Example sentences of "[adv] [that] they would " in BNC.

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1 The second point which I would make is that despite having had many months indeed years , to come to a view , erm it is only Selby District Council who have stepped forward and said , basically that they would be prepared to accommodate the new settlement .
2 She swept them out , following them , fearing perhaps that they would add to Harry 's fatigue , and he and I looked at each other across the suddenly empty room in a shared fundamental awareness .
3 He made himself as meek as a lamb , hoping perhaps that they would give him an extra morsel of food or some other favour .
4 The scholars of the Renaissance courts studied in depth the philosophy and dictates of classical authors and applied their knowledge to the education of courtiers , so that they would act and behave correctly in the new society .
5 The French have also favoured a continued production clause so that they would be able to develop new binaries during the 10-year period .
6 At the same time as he was engaged in more political work , Marx attempted to rewrite the history of mankind for the use of the oppressed , so that they would be able to understand the nature of the oppression to which they were subjected , and how it had come about .
7 He tried to pull Caspar with him so that they would be hidden by a tree , but Caspar hung back barking .
8 The Manager of the Grand Theatre , Leeds , went to see a school dance production , and was impressed by the quality of the work and offered his theatre to the educational establishments so that they would try to reach a wider audience .
9 Forcing open the door against the wind , he waved at the advancing policeman and stepped clear of the cabin so that they would see he was unarmed .
10 Billington , however , was a master of his trade and fixed the arms with ropes so that they would absorb some of the shock .
11 Back home , he dreamt , he filled the whole flat with buckets of earth , even filled soup dishes and the kettle and the wineglasses with soil , and spent hours watering them and moving them carefully around every day , carrying them from room to room so that they would be struck in turn by whatever sunshine came in through the different windows at different times of the day , making sure they were kept warm .
12 Laborit was investigating the potential of controlled hypothermia , that is , chilling patients during surgical operations so that they would be less reactive to any disturbance , and the sedative properties of promethazine helped to achieve the effects he sought .
13 It seemed that everyone had to be classified according to height and weight so that they would compete against boys of roughly the same size in the school sports at the end of the year .
14 The manager 's first job on the band 's behalf was to negotiate a new deal with Red Rhino , so that they would be presented in a more important light .
15 Immediately after the sinking of HMS Sheffield , the Royal Navy changed its policy and reprogrammed all Abbey Hill computers in the task force so that they would recognise the lethal Exocet missile as foe rather than friend .
16 The mothers were asked to avoid cow 's milk , and were then challenged with it in a disguised form , so that they would not know when they were drinking milk and when they were drinking the ‘ control ’ substance .
17 To adopt such a pedagogy is to follow the example of Procrustes who , it will be recalled , would either stretch his guests on a rack or cut pieces off their lower limbs so that they would fit his bed .
18 John 's aim had been to frighten them so that they would not again attack Derek .
19 Benny and Eve were in the window of Healy 's Hotel practising having cups of coffee so that they would look well accustomed to it when they got to the Dublin coffee houses .
20 They had even packed up further provisions in the picnic basket Brian had happened to bring , so that they would have sustenance to help them on their way : Taunton , Wellington , Tiverton .
21 Not only did no one come to her aid or telephone the police , but residents actually closed their windows so that they would n't be disturbed .
22 Their natural state would be movement at infinite velocity , so that they would be everywhere in the Universe at once .
23 Each child was able to earn a sticker so that they would all be motivated to behave .
24 I remember the over-eager , gaping mouths and outstretched necks , as well as those who could only just about lift their eyelids and had to have the food forced down their throats so that they would have the strength to keep fighting for life .
25 ( I was keen to strain some of the vicious Barny 's blood out of any future little owlets , so that they would n't grow up to take after their grandfather ! )
26 And they wanted to know how they could immunize themselves , so that they would not succumb in their turn .
27 Plugger promised to keep the pair for me until the day before I left so that they would have the shortest travelling time possible .
28 When the two partners first set up on their own — according to Byrne , with only $5000 capital and giving up a secure future — they did so under the guise of an employment agency , so that they would not appear to be in direct competition with their ex-employers .
29 Darting Grimm a cautioning glance , Jaq paid off the hired guards in local Voronovs , plus a retainer so that they would continue on call if need be .
30 Some were constructed so that they would only move when a passing person activated a treadle of some sort so that the toy would suddenly spring into ‘ life ’ .
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