Example sentences of "[adv] [that] [noun prp] has " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It worries me greatly that Darlington has only one ambulance after 7pm at night . ’
2 It has co-operated with her tennis progress , so much so that Zara has a special timetable to accommodate her tennis .
3 There have to be , there are particular reasons why er after revolutionary upheavals you very often get authoritarian forms of government and I would say in Russia and i i in a sense it 's linked with Harold 's question as well about erm the Chinese following a Stalinist model of economic reconstruction think what you 've actually got in Russia is not this sort of mass hankering after authoritarianism but you 've got a situation where the bureaucracy that controls a completely devastated , backward economy , which is what they 've actually got in the early nineteen twenties , where the working class democracy has just disappeared really with , with the , with the economic collapse , with the factories shutting down , with all of the old communist party militants going into the Red Army or getting sucked into the state bureaucracy with that sort of complete collapse really , economically and socially and politically , you 've got a situation where the central priority of the leadership is to build up Russian industry as quickly as possible so that Russia has got the armed forces it needs
4 They are both in their late teens and they appear to do far less than their fair share of the office load , often leaving important copy work uncompleted at five o'clock , so that Julia has to authorise overtime payments for them .
5 Only that Frank has seen him a number of times coming out of a special house down there .
6 I read somewhere that Joe has lymphoma .
7 It 's alright Kerry it 's just that Graham has come to do , to observe my teaching and he 'll be wanting to sit there , is that alright ?
8 Not that Harry has a penny to his name , but thankfully one thing we 're not short of in this family is money , and if that 's what is keeping Harry from showing his hand , then you 've no worries on that score .
9 Not that Ulster has been alone in being so treated .
10 But the problem is not that Britain has lost its empire .
11 It had to be a British car , of course , since Pringle 's did so much business with the local automotive industry — not that Vic has ever driven a foreign car : foreign cars are anathema to him , their sudden invasion of British roads in the 1970s marked the beginning of the region 's economic ruin in his view — but he has to admit that you do n't have a lot of choice in British cars when it comes to matching the top-of-the-range Mercedes and BMWs .
12 Not that Stevenson has any immediate intention to cede the reins of control of EWM — he 's still enjoying his work too much .
13 It 's not that Novell has any moral or financial obligation to be the keeper of the Unix flame .
14 But you see the important thing about this scene is not what is taking place there it 's not really that Pilate is standing in , in the trial as the judge of Jesus , it 's not that Pilate has i , within his hands the power of life and death for Jesus , that 's not the important issue , that 's not the real significance of this incident , the real significance is that every one of us at some time or other stand in the same place that Pilate stood .
15 ‘ And funnier still that Chignell has got a job in Plymouth !
16 It was also revealed yesterday that Enya has now become the biggest-selling international star in Spain .
17 Capel 's presence here , though , does not mean that England — and Micky Stewart in particular — have shed their doubts about his ability to contain , and there was no evidence yesterday that Capel has yet acquired the mental capacity to try to bore people out in one-day cricket .
18 The regulation provides further that LCH has no obligation to check a tender or documents received from a selling member , and that its act in passing the tender or documents to a buying member is not to constitute acceptance .
19 Tony Blair , Labour 's employment spokesman and Labour candidate for Sedgefield , said : ‘ It is now more urgent than ever that Britain has a Labour Government pledged to get the North working again . ’
20 But it is worth noting also that Scotland has had a relatively strong tradition of technical education for the last century , in contrast to the rather patchy developments south of the border ( Argles 1964 ) .
21 Notice also that Keegan has hired as his assistant Terry McDermott , who may be equally lacking in management experience , but at least goes to the same hairdresser .
22 European general manager Barry Betts hints darkly that Microsoft has great plans for a combination of NT and FoxBase , and wonders whether the current compatibility problems will ever be sold , Xbase or not .
23 The reaction from Ulster Unionists has been an almost automatic rejection , but Downing Street has been keen to point out that Foley has been vocal in his criticism of the IRA and his appointment might not be such a bad move .
24 ( Chris Haskins , of Northern Foods , points out that Britain has not fed itself since the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 . )
25 If he had taken his own rule seriously , he would have found out that DRG has a very modest self-service canteen at its Bristol head office .
26 Jane also pointed out that Pamela has the ideal figure for trousers and when shopping for skirts , she should choose straight styles that end just below or above the knee .
27 Miserably I point out that Cymbeline has not behaved well .
28 Now that Poland has decided to wage war upon the Russian Bolsheviks , she has turned to our Government for assistance .
29 Now that Grundig has priced its own recorders at dumping levels , however , the Japanese have been given a heaven-sent opportunity to welch on their promises to the EEC .
30 Now that Ferguson has returned to what he is best at , harassing opposing defences instead of those trying to shape his career , he is getting maximum support from Roxburgh .
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