Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] from [det] " in BNC.

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1 For the classical foundationalist programme of starting from one 's own case and moving outwards suffers from all the radical defects which face the solipsist 's attempt to set up a language in which to describe the experiences which form his subject matter .
2 The line obviously comes from some lost ballad telling the story of how Child Roland went to Elfland to rescue his sister from the wicked King , a monster-legend , a Theodoric-story .
3 It thus differs from most domestic banking markets and many domestic securities markets where savers , borrowers and intermediaries are typically also domestic .
4 The employment of the otherwise unemployed members of the hotels and catering casual labour force is clearly precarious , but its precariousness scarcely stems from any inadequacies of employment protection legislation .
5 But Olson nevertheless slides from these precise comments into grander generalisation and appears to attribute the characteristics associated with specific exponents of the essay technique to writing as such and to the whole culture .
6 As my right hon. Friend prepares himself for the important meeting with President Yeltsin later this week in London , will he take the opportunity of seeing what can be done to deal with the massive threat which still exists from all the different independent Russian states ?
7 There were further calls from many of the Soviet Union 's ‘ little peoples ’ — minority nationalities of relatively modest numbers which generally lacked their own national-territorial areas — about falling populations and the use of their area for unrestricted industrial activity .
8 Happily , The Billboard Book Of Number One Hits , compiled by Fred Bronson , hardly suffers from this affliction and provides a complete summary on every single to top the US listings from 1955 through till April this year .
9 In 1910 the first James Wyllie moved the business from The Haugh to a factory called the Victoria Works in Mauchline and the firm still operates from these premises .
10 What makes it possible to ask meaningfully in respect of a given existent not only in what way it qualitatively differs from any other type of existent , but what makes it numerically , existentially unique ?
11 The drama itself also benefits from this approach : writing in role slows the drama down in a very productive fashion , encouraging children to look at a particular situation in much greater depth than they would otherwise .
12 As the panel notes , the statutory procedure makes no provision for a balanced argument ; only Upjohn was able to present its case and its witnesses and evidence , though the Licensing Authority provided material and the panel ‘ followed up leads from this material and from that presented by Upjohn ’ .
13 My next point also stems from this underlying tendency of the reforms to produce fragmentation and deregulation .
14 One thing clearly emerges from any close examination of the Last Supper .
15 what also emerges from these pages is that the poor are not necessarily apathetic about their situation , nor are they bound by a culture of poverty , but are quite capable of positive action to attempt to solve their problems .
16 This is against all the evidence , but it is a compelling image , and one that clearly derives from this present age in our history , which now has the Shakespeare it deserves : an old , sex-obsessed vagrant in the Forest of Dean , refusing to pay his Poll Tax .
17 Moreover , it also follows from such a substitution amounting to a refusal that the provisions relating to the grounds on which an application for a renewal of a licence can be refused ( s. 17(2) ) , and the right of appeal against such a refusal are applicable ( s.17(4) ) .
18 It also follows from this that understanding consciousness would not be sufficient for understanding mental processes .
19 It also follows from this that the approaching waves necessarily contain impulsive components .
20 It logically follows from this that a fit person should need less sleep than an unfit one , or a man than a woman , or a grown-up than a child .
21 For example , if we are given the statement , ‘ A raven which was not black , was observed at place x at time t ’ , then it logically follows from this that ‘ All ravens are black ’ is false .
22 The surviving structure also dates from that time .
23 Here again the core of the work probably dates from some time before ( late 1745 ) and was expanded for the 1747 event .
24 This very anxiety can unfortunately cause just the rift they dread because people around find it very hard to deal with the ‘ clinging behaviour ’ that often results from this worry about separation .
25 According to the Brazilian government 's own figures , two-thirds of the population now suffers from some degree of malnutrition and in the north-east nutritionists are talking about an epidemic of dwarfism .
26 Seven months later , I suddenly think how remote that one wet weekend in July now seems from this world enGulfed : Oxford ever cocooned and safe .
27 Nobody really retires from this business .
28 Nobody really retires from this business .
29 The strongest disapproval often comes from those who scream about liberties if their own particular indulgences — for assault rifles , say — are attacked .
30 The Labour party now departs from that .
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