Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] with it " in BNC.

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1 It is rather disingenuous of the Minister to extrapolate the logic that , because someone has described a situation , that means that he necessarily agrees with it .
2 That is a vitally necessary component of creating a free and open market there — but it necessarily brings with it great short-term difficulties .
3 Applying what was explained there , it may be said that a person intends to cause a person to believe that immediate unlawful violence will be used against him when he ( the person uttering the threats , etc. , ) either desires to cause such an effect , or when he realises what impact his conduct is almost certain to have and nevertheless persists with it .
4 And the over-indulgence that generally goes with it . ’
5 Thus we can talk of a local government system which is different from a central government system but nevertheless interacts with it .
6 However , since chronic mental disorder generally brings with it long-term unemployment or low income , the private sector psychiatric hospitals make an insignificant contribution to longer-term services .
7 Incorporation thus brings with it a useful device to facilitate borrowing , from both the company and the lender 's viewpoint .
8 Though true science , or ratiocinative knowledge , differs from experiential knowledge , it nevertheless begins with it .
9 A decision to save by building up money balances no longer carries with it the high opportunity cost that it once did .
10 Although it is often claimed that exercise has a beneficial psychological effect in its own right , the evidence for this is scanty and it is always difficult to separate the specific effect of exercise from the moral support and social contact which usually goes with it .
11 The political anger of ‘ On Civil Disobedience ’ and ‘ Walden ’ has burned itself out ; only one remark still rings with it , when Thoreau considers how the cherry disperses itself by having its stones swallowed : ‘ It is only princes who can afford to have their cherry puddings stoned , and so make their lives more completely luxurious and useless . ’
12 Although it is by no means axiomatic , this notion of competitive intelligence usually brings with it an extra dimension , when compared with environmental analysis ( and , to a lesser degree , with issues management and marketing intelligence ) .
13 Retirement usually brings with it not only the loss of the largest single activity in which people have engaged , but also a massive drop in income , standard of living and social status .
14 The tendency to keep falling into the subjectivity trap usually brings with it a tendency to confuse goals with methods .
15 So that title to some extent still sticks with it , but it I ca n't hel I 'm old fashioned enough to th to think of it as being a bit a bit false , you know ?
16 Even if one 's occupation is freely chosen , it usually carries with it a set of rules about what should be done , when , how and to what standards .
17 Locke thus belongs to the tradition of contract theory which usually carries with it an implication of ultimate political power and rights belonging to the people ; and the fact that he explicitly develops and allows for a right of resistance also gave his doctrine a subversive potential of which later radicals made effective use .
18 Commonsense , not without distinguished endorsement from past centuries , thinks as Hart Crane did that it is not true at all ; that on the contrary there are occasions too trivial , too lacking in dignity or resonance , to deserve the ceremoniousness that , as Tomlinson perceived , verse-writing always brings with it .
19 While human conceptual and even observational knowledge always carries with it an element of doubt , mystic knowledge is possessed of certainty , of direct perception and experience , quite undemonstrable to others .
20 We are strongly motivated by the need for love , which always carries with it the risk of rejection and withdrawal of that love .
21 The Allegro assai that follows this piece probably belongs with it as the second movement of a two movement sonata .
22 It also carries with it an impressive ‘ grace and favour ’ set of apartments in the Palace of Westminster overlooking the River Thames .
23 The neutrino also carries with it a large transverse energy but the particle 's properties are such that the experiments at CERN can not detect it and it escapes the apparatus unseen .
24 That is its sole function as prescribed by the Statutes , though membership of Convocation also carries with it certain privileges , such as use of the University Library .
25 The term also carries with it certain elite connotations , and quickly generates references to ‘ standards ’ and ‘ excellence ’ .
26 But while delegation is a prerequisite of corporate efficiency , it also carries with it the risk , common to all agency relationships , that the managers will act in their own interests at the expense of the shareholders , thereby reducing the expected gains , not only for the shareholders , but also for society as a whole .
27 Indeed the term laser printer also carries with it two other bits of information ; the first is 300dpi resolution and the second is that the output quality is n't really professional .
28 This stronger sense of learning also carries with it the idea that ultimately the student is able to evaluate it for him or herself , and form a personal view about its validity ( by reading the relevant articles , by listening to the different views of the authorities on the topic , and perhaps by assisting in a clinical trial ) .
29 Camp is not the same as gender inversion , but it often connects with it , and with good reason .
30 MDC 's wider remit inevitably brings with it a broader strategy and will encourage it to form more elaborate working relations with other agencies in the field .
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