Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 Another example is Beatrix Potter , who has recently undergone a great deal of research to establish which are truly ‘ firsts ’ and which are only reprints without any indication of the fact .
2 The case against it is precisely that it purports to explain the whole of history and , for that matter , of pre-history , by reference to a total system , and so denies to any of its implicated parts ( social , economic , racial , geographical , religious and so on ) as well as to the actions of its great or good men any separate authenticity .
3 It is also possible to define the recognition point of a non-word : it is that phoneme at which the stimulus no longer corresponds to any English word .
4 This normally occurs after any sudden and serious loss of blood or after excessive fluid loss following a severe bout of diarrhoea .
5 The publication of reports on full inspections of individual schools has become routine and no longer leads to any public debate of the rights and wrongs of such reporting .
6 The employment of the otherwise unemployed members of the hotels and catering casual labour force is clearly precarious , but its precariousness scarcely stems from any inadequacies of employment protection legislation .
7 This increasing castor thus compensates for any inclination of the car on the rear axle .
8 But a more general objection still relates to any theory that defines , as theirs does , such categories as poetry , literature or art in absolute terms .
9 What makes it possible to ask meaningfully in respect of a given existent not only in what way it qualitatively differs from any other type of existent , but what makes it numerically , existentially unique ?
10 If we can establish through very careful analysis what the ratio are between certain elements and each other then that ratio also holds between any given element and total salinity , yes ?
11 At McDonald 's we believe you deserve straight answers to any questions you might have concerning our food products .
12 It probably varies in any case from species to species , but in such a situation , more soldiers are certainly reared until the correct proportion is restored .
13 This also applies to any person with whom the child is living .
14 This means that it also appears on any computer printouts that you receive .
15 One thing clearly emerges from any close examination of the Last Supper .
16 It often refers to any individual member organization irrespective of its actual name , i.e. whether it is an association or federation or whether it stands for Planned Parenthood , Family Well-being , Responsible Parenthood , Protection of the Family or Family Health , etc .
17 When I was chided by someone for seeming oblivious of ‘ the magnitude of the accounting operation ’ I said that it was because of my consciousness of the magnitude of all other operations that I dared to make these demands of Mr Whalley , who perfectly understands in any case .
18 The 1954 Act now applies to any tenancy of licensed premises granted after 11 July 1989 .
19 ‘ She 's been so conditioned by her husband that she instinctively kowtows to any man who says ‘ boo ’ to her . ’
20 One of the most popular types of WB is the ‘ tracking auto ’ system which automatically monitors the scene and continuously corrects for any light changes ; this is commonly supplemented by a pair of fixed presets , one for daylight , and one for artificial ( tungsten ) light .
21 The Shotector simply plugs into any standard ‘ square ’ pin socket .
22 The Shoctector simply plugs into any standard ‘ square ’ pin socket .
23 Motif lacks on-line help , and HyperHelp reportedly runs on any X-Windows system including VMS .
24 In that horrid state , the mind may be considered as a city without walls , open to every insult , and paying homage to every invader ; every idea that then starts with any force , becomes a reality ; and the reason , over fatigued with its former importunities , makes no head against the tyrannical invasion , but submits to it from mere imbecility .
25 It applies to all man-made machines , and potentially applies to any complex , many-parted object .
26 One of the reasons I like this club , sir , ’ I said , ‘ is all these extraordinary old Anglo-Saxon names that one rarely comes across any more .
27 This knot shape therefore never varies for any given sequence of amino acids .
28 This actually applies to any symptom , not just to mental conditions .
29 The debt which never appears in any balance sheet or account is that owed by the Association to the fund-raising efforts of its supporters and the generosity of the public .
30 As this wall faces north the sun seldom shines on any of these , a dismal fact for gardeners working in them but usual for old kitchen gardens where every inch of warm south-facing ground was wanted for crops .
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