Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Evidence from official statistics suggests that the number of households containing two or more elementary families has indeed fallen : from 3 per cent of households in 1961 to 1 per cent in 1981 ( Social Trends , 1987 , p. 41 , table 2.1 ) Clearly this is , and apparently has been for some time , very much a minority arrangement within the British population as a whole .
2 It is then argued , that , this being so , there is no consideration for the agreement at all , and that it is an agreement for a voluntary gift on certain conditions ; but , looking at the agreement , we find , not a mere proviso , but an express agreement by the plaintiff to pay £1 towards a certain ground-rent , which apparently has been for the first time apportioned , and to pay it to the defendant , who is , I presume , liable to the whole ground-rent .
3 Martin Hardie wrote : ‘ Where all the plates are so excellent , it seems unfair to make distinctions , but where Daniell especially excels is in suggesting the warm haze that hangs over a summer sea , or sunlight playing on the roofs of a fishing village and the walls of its harbour .
4 So are you omitting to say what exactly has been in numbers .
5 Cos what normally happens is with tetanus , that the reason it kills you is that you stop breathing because your muscles that work your lungs , the diaphragm , the intercostal muscles between the ribs , those seize up and you just stop breathing .
6 The money £200,000 more than Darlington usually receives is to be used on three major improvement schemes alongside the main East Coast railway line .
7 Race horse trainer … easy life … you 've got to be joking … steeplechasing is all of life always has been to David Nicholson … he was born and bred … turned out and trained on the gallops at Prestbury …
8 The most that the British knew about armies was that intermittently over four or five centuries they got together in a sort of militia or Home Guard in case the enemy arrived , and the necessity of a state to run the affairs of the country for the country 's salvation , was never so present to the British mind as it always has been to the minds of most continental people .
9 and always has been by Ron .
10 ‘ He always has been in the past , so the Abwehr have found .
11 He told delegates he believed the case for strong trade unions was as compelling now as it was when the TUC first met 125 years ago , ‘ or ever has been in the history of our country . ’
12 Having an overview also means being in the picture about your role and those of your subordinates and superiors in the company , about your company 's profile in the larger comparative corporate picture , and keeping up to date with all that 's new in your business or profession through professional organisations , the trade press and national newspapers .
13 There may however be a way of adapting it to say that the solipsist will be unable to use the term ‘ beetle ’ to communicate with his later self ( in a diary , perhaps ) , since what gives the term its meaning to him now can not be what was then in the box ( an object to which he now has no access ) but what he now thinks was in the box .
14 I think that what she really wants is for words to be more like numbers .
15 The only difference of opinion so far has been over boxing .
16 However , the emphasis in the project so far has been on formulating these individual solutions rather than on co-ordinating them .
17 Most of the NII 's work so far has been on an earlier ‘ reference design ’ , which has now been superseded by a ‘ contract ’ design .
18 The accent so far has been on production and we need to spread its use in the commercial , R&T and other support functions .
19 Klaasen 's contention that ‘ the only integration that has gone on so far has been among the top officials ’ seemed to be borne out by the fact that we had to wait for the penultimate game of the tours to seen the first nonwhite player take the field .
20 Krystom 's main impact so far has been in catching carp , the Independent readers of the fish world .
21 We estimate the cost of this campaign so far has been in excess of £20,000 .
22 Her career so far has been in publishing , and , following the birth of her son James in 1982 , this has enabled her to work from home .
23 Most of the gas discovered so far has been from the Z2 Carbonate but a few finds have also been made from the Z3 Carbonate in the western Netherlands and the adjacent offshore area , and gas is present in both the Z1 and Z2 Carbonates in Scram .
24 As many parents have discovered , the problem with disposable nappies up to now has been with that word ‘ disposable ’ .
25 But all of the injustice until now has been with women inadequately supported and husbands
26 The highly organised St Stephen 's Society programme which she now leads was at that time a closed book to her !
27 And any influence of Cézanne that there may be in the Demoiselles as it now appears is of the most general kind .
28 Where this book mainly fails is in its implied answer to the question : what sort of science is to be grown ?
29 Because during the course of our discussions today I 'll ask you to introduce me to others if , and only if , you think this meeting with me today has been of benefit to yourself , would that be okay ?
30 The main historical tension here has been between the institution ( typically the university ) and the professional body .
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