Example sentences of "[adv] [is] [art] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That shows that both the president 's National Party ( NP ) and the ANC intend to be prepared for the first non-racial elections for a constituent assembly ; it is also a clear sign that both of them are sure that they can convince the other parties that the path they have laid down is the one to follow .
2 And he is the one , and he alone is the one who will take the initiative to call it off .
3 ‘ He used to sneak out of college wearing a spare jacket so 's no one 'd know he was missing .
4 The Invention I like best is the one after the one he loves best — he loves the fifth , and I the sixth .
5 But I fear she — and it usually is a she — will only be disappointed by what Mr Davy has to offer .
6 It means that um particularly in therapy it can be very difficult later on because things that we would ordinarily consider to be supportive like being kind , like erm y'know kind of putting a comforting arm round somebody 's shoulders , like erm y'know ways in which people express support and affection for each-other ah are very very difficult for the survivor to accept because they 're sort of the part of the way in which she , and it usually is a she , has been abused in the past .
7 It 's always been my philosophy that the first bait out is the one most likely to produce a run and I will try to get a drifting float out in almost any conditions ( except flat calms ) using balloons to assist the float 's passage through calm water and into the wind lanes .
8 For Anna too , the only way out is the one she takes and although her story is one of great tragedy , it was one she chose for herself .
9 I think the manager we 've got now is the one to sort it out . ’
10 We are looking at Road , that 's the assurance , we are considering that er as er an extension but there is n't funding available for that within the present programme so we will come back with a proposal for Road but it will have to be compared with other big schemes so the scheme we are proposing now is the one that 's before you , which er I wo n't comment on unless people have questions .
11 ‘ There really is no one else , you know . ’
12 She had a sudden cruel memory of his false denial , ‘ There really is no one else , you know . ’
13 In fact , it really is a who 's who of international canoe touring .
14 The biggest mistake that we have made so far is the one that critics of the European Community so often turn against us — the fact that we were absent when the common agricultural policy was established .
15 The man who can live here is the one who reaches out to his fellows . ’
16 The social position into which individuals are born here is the one in which , theoretically , they are bound to remain for the rest of their life .
17 The best lead we have here is the one given by his wife .
18 Erm , the book here is the one that she 's working on at the moment .
19 The easiest one , and the one undoubtedly is the one that will continue to be used to keep whatever needs that we have presented to us within reasonable financial budgets , will be on the home care , respite care , day care , er short-term emergency admissions , support in the home , and indeed our ability to develop those services .
20 Returning along the track , a gate in the wall on the right near a barn , 200 yards short of Calf Holes , admits to a sloping field with a sharp descent after passing a limekiln to Browgill Cave ; the stream which issues from there is the one that disappears into Calf Holes .
21 ‘ The only side Vargas is on is the one with the biggest bank book , sir .
22 Where is the one we have come to see ?
23 Well where 's the one I took of you in the tree ?
24 So , you know , if you get one factor on which a lot of them load erm like the business about , you may find there 're strong correlations between the attitudes to abnormality and , where 's the one on mental illness and stuff like that ?
25 Mm , yeah , yeah they 're on about erm , below erm , not Thorpeness , where 's the one with the , Orford is n't it , Orford castle
26 where 's the one called bitch ?
27 Where 's the you 've got a chance to go of course .
28 But er , why 's the I ca n't hear it .
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