Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] that they " in BNC.

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1 Mary came in to see that they were well enough served and , yielding to a hint from Hope , stayed a while to watch , with him , the strange behaviour of this incongruous pair .
2 He may prefer only to claim that they apply once ethical language and judgement are understood in the way he recommends .
3 It had n't taken her long to discover that they had nothing whatsoever in common .
4 The voiders lingered by the body , however , bright enough to know that they still had some duty to perform with it .
5 ‘ Because they were clever enough to know that they could n't , ’ Jessamy said a trifle bitterly .
6 The darkness was almost complete now ; she could only see the faintest outline of his features , enough to know that they 'd taken on a hard , determined cast .
7 The patrol pounced and grabbed the surprised Germans , only to discover that they also had no water with them .
8 Alas , on boarding the Docklands Light Railway the party was confronted by an inspector only to find that they had purchased childrens ' tickets by mistake .
9 No doubt you are among the many who have tried every diet around only to find that they just did n't work .
10 I have met some very disillusioned nurses who responded to vigorous recruitment drives and travelled many miles from home , only to find that they were expected to live ‘ in dilapidated , out of the way nurses ’ hostels with no hope of raising the funds for anything better in the vicinity .
11 This helped the police , who had been demoralised in the past when , time and again , they would arrest terrorists only to find that they were released in government amnesties aimed , in vain , at regaining the trust of alienated Sikhs .
12 It took five months of telephone calls , letters and faxes to Dr Neil Sontag , before a replacement set arrived , only to find that they were the same , unusable version .
13 Women jeered at Blackshirts who made their way to them , only to find that they had been lured into a group of Communist sympathisers intent on vengeance .
14 We arrived at their home in Bruton , Somerset , only to find that they 'd got the date wrong and were n't prepared for us .
15 The name of the shops is a little misleading ; many of the plants are made from synthetic materials and scores of people have stooped to smell the waxy lilies only to find that they are plastic through and through .
16 However , turning aside these local instruments , and that is not to suggest that they are unimportant , how may lawyers and interested laymen each year obtain copies of delegated legislation which are thought to , and may indeed , affect their client 's or their own life and course of conduct , only to find that they are out of print or not yet available ?
17 It usually turns into a frustrating , time consuming and exhausting task , particularly when you move pieces of furniture only to find that they do n't fit in the place you wanted to put them .
18 Then again , too many young people have been through the finals course , often at considerable financial hardship to themselves or their families , only to find that they can not be absorbed into a recession-hit profession .
19 The other area was er the area of er tour operators and allocations because as you know holidays was not one of your accounts and we wandered in there only to find that they 'd got allocations and business was
20 We have followed the trail of these people only to find that they have moved house and we can not trace them .
21 We have followed the trail of these people only to find that they have moved house and we can not trace them .
22 There is therefore a clear place for an EC policy to oversee State aids , and so to ensure that they do not unjustifiably favour one member 's industry at the expense of another 's , and thereby mitigate the intentions of EC competition policy .
23 The regions are far too big and complex to be handled from Detroit and even if they were foolish enough to believe that they could do it more effectively — which they ca n't — they would be crazy to try . ’
24 In practice , the registrars are often supplied with a draft of the affidavit in advance not only to ensure that they are happy with its contents but also to ensure compliance with the necessary procedures .
25 Some preferred to suffer occupation for longer , than to achieve freedom before local institutions were robust enough to ensure that they were not swept aside by a newly installed government of ‘ outsiders ’ .
26 In addition to the success of the LDP in broadly maintaining its position , its PKO allies — the DSP and Komeito — also performed well enough to ensure that they could continue to offer the LDP an overall majority in the upper house .
27 As he walked away from the house , Mark had remembered that it was along this street , with its brightly — almost garishly — painted houses that Sophia had once seen a cluster of what she took to be exotic tropical fruits in one of the windows , only to realise that they were tomatoes put there to ripen .
28 Newbolt 's attitude is still very common — not only among the British ( especially those who have come under the influence of F. R. Leavis ) , but also among American free versifiers who think they are an avantgarde and who are muddled enough to think that they have Pound 's authority to back them .
29 The concept of equisignificance can now be easily explained , for to say of two symbols that they have the same meaning is merely to say that they both express the same species of thought .
30 You may remember a few months before Christmas , I think , that the five District Councils in Oxford County joined together to say that they felt that Government housing policy was failing to deal with the growing housing crisis in Oxfordshire .
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