Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] for an " in BNC.

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31 Even if the king himself did not press for an early political role , others might well do so on his behalf as a way of strengthening their own position .
32 it is simple to calculate one person in a single room , two in a double , but that would not allow for an extra person in a room or for children ; therefore an average is calculated thus :
33 The renovation grants section must consult the local social services department , and will normally arrange for an occupational therapist to visit you to assess your needs .
34 Second , most lawyers take on cases on the basis that they will not ask for an upfront fee , but a percentage of the amount of damages won instead — often as much as 40% .
35 Even then , the Attorney-General did not ask for an adjournment to enable the House of Commons to consider the matter .
36 But it did n't always make for an easy life .
37 After a meal , when relaxing over a cup of coffee , it is easier to discuss important matters — even a crisis can usually wait for an hour or so before being thought about and tackled .
38 I would agree with him , but then when did caterers ever ask for an easy life ?
39 I 'm sending you a leaflet about assertion training and you could also look for an assertion course near you .
40 The Blues want a partner for new signing Graham Harvey as the season reaches a crucial stage ; they may also move for an cross-channel centre-half as doubts about John McConnell 's fitness persist .
41 Overseas candidates can apply for these scholarships but must also apply for an ORS award .
42 The intentions of the vigils were to give thanks to God for the precious gift of human life , and to also pray for an end to the abuses of this gift , by abortion , destructive embryo experimentation , and euthanasia .
43 Firstly , if more than one explanation could reasonably account for an apparent effect then sufficient doubt remains .
44 This may partly account for an apparent lack of impetus from the start .
45 He says : ‘ Small budgets , apologetic councils strapped for cash , and a complex social and sometimes ethnic mix of young customers and their parents do n't make for an easy life . ’
46 It certainly does n't make for an ideal working relationship , does it ? ’
47 Follow South East Arts and you will be able to help judge these competitions next year , and if you 're enterprising enough yourself in nineteen eighty three , you may even qualify for an award yourself .
48 Nor can we simply wait for an effect to go away .
49 Then , and no earnings , she did n't qualify for an allowance at all , because investment income , then , was her husband 's .
50 He did n't wait for an answer .
51 ‘ What did you say , dear ? ’ she asked , but did n't wait for an answer .
52 She did n't wait for an answer .
53 He did n't wait for an answer , but strode forward to snuff out the candle , then edged the door open again .
54 She did n't wait for an answer .
55 Records are made to be broken and Tom Walker , although holding the record for the longest serving employee within the group , may well qualify for an industry wide record if it were possible .
56 The Prince did n't even wait for an answer but turned to a small table beside him , slopped two goblets full of wine , rose and thrust them at his unwanted guests .
57 He knew he ought not to mark the books really , but it was only a tiny mark in pencil and no-one could accuse him of defacing library property , not really , it would n't do for an ex-library committee member to be caught defacing library property now would it .
58 I particularly welcome the comment which you yourself highlight which draws attention to the importance of mutual trust : ‘ Clients will increasingly look for an ongoing business relationship based on mutual trust when awarding contracts ’ .
59 He could n't relax for an instant .
60 But he did n't press for an explanation .
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