Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] even [conj] " in BNC.

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1 they 'll only complain even if you try and save money for them
2 None of this may be objectively true — alternative , better , jobs simply may not exist even when there is not a high level of unemployment — but to the extent that individual workers believe the dominant achievement ideology in society then they will not wish to ‘ confess failure ’ by admitting that they do not enjoy an adequate level of job satisfaction .
3 But Texas hospitality does not perish even when conditions are adverse .
4 The resurrection , for people who believe it to have taken place , is presumably an objective fact of history ; one which they can not circumvent even if they would .
5 ‘ We will not surrender even if it takes forever , ’ said Corporal Roy Bantung .
6 ‘ We will not surrender even if it takes forever , ’ said Corporal Roy Bantung .
7 I I 'm grateful Mr Deputy Speaker and I I will certainly er stay in order but the British electorate coming up to June the ninth and the European er elections will not know even if we pass these particular proposals tonight er in which constituencies they will be voting and if I may give an illustration as the honourable member for Truro did er er as far as his European constituency is concerned er the European constituency of Derbyshire Ashfield will d be divided into three different directions as the result of this particular order in council if we pass it tonight .
8 If confidence is low , firms will not invest even if interest rates are low and borrowing is cheap .
9 It was noted that the localiser deflection sensitivity of the No. 1 VOR was set too high and the flag alarm settings on both the localiser and the glideslope were such that the flags would not appear even when the signals were unusable .
10 To use an analogy from short sight : people who wear glasses are relieved of the effects of their short sight for as long as they continue to wear them and for as long as they remember that there are still some things ( such as seeing clearly underwater ) that they can not do even if they are wearing glasses .
11 It does not break even if it lands directly on other eggs because its shell is twice as thick as those of the host bird .
12 The presence or absence of reefs can not be explained solely in terms of temperature and turbidity , for , although reefs are absent from cold current shorelines , such as the west coast of South America , they do not occur even where the temperatures are high enough for coral in this region .
13 ( d ) Capacity Certain persons may not vote even though otherwise qualified in terms of residence and nationality .
14 Six of them did a routine on top of a tank , and did not stop even when the snow began to fall .
15 Moran did not move even after the car stopped .
16 Deep weathering mantles can not develop even though the actual rate of weathering is probably very high as a result of the proximity of the weathering front to the surface and the associated rapid downslope movement of soil water .
17 The two assassins , a curious look in their eyes , stared back and did not resist even when my master shook them vigorously by the hand .
18 Yet half the names could not leave even if they wanted to : they are locked into the 58 ( out of a total of 401 ) Lloyd 's syndicates that have been unable to close one or more of their past annual accounts , so unquantifiable are the liabilities stacking up against them .
19 In practice , however , this will be difficult because unlike formal organisation , which does not change even when individual employees move into and out of jobs ( by promotion , transfer , appointment , resignation or retirement etc ) most informal organisations depend on individual personalities .
20 Then allow the particles to move apart in such a way that the combined wave function does not change even though the distance between the particles may be so great that there is no longer any possibility of mutual interaction : in principle this could be many kilometres .
21 Lawful acquisition of possession by the buyer will deprive the seller of his rights of lien and stoppage and those rights will not revive even if the buyer later returns the goods to the possession of the seller .
22 He reminded me of the tight-lipped heroes in war films — the name and number ploy ; more you will not get even if you carve strips off me .
23 That is this , should I rely on the agape love of my partner or should I strive to be the type of person that my partner could easily love even if no agape love were available ?
24 Likewise , they can stand extreme cold and will not suffer even if trapped beneath a layer of ice for a day or two .
25 Hindley did not care what they did , as long as they kept out of his way , and they did not care even if he punished them .
26 In The Act of Reading , Wolfgang Iser argues that the literary work should be understood as a means of communication rather than as a representation of the world : ‘ It is a vital feature of literary texts that they do not lose their ability to communicate ; indeed , many of them can still speak even when their message has long since passed into history and their meaning no longer seems to be of importance ’ ( 1978:13 ) .
27 One by one he filled each chamber with powder and then , without wadding or patch , placed a soft lead ball on its mouth and pulled the long lever beneath the barrel ; this lever moved the rammer which forced the lead down into the chamber and sealed it so completely , the Collector had been assured , that the powder would still fire even if you immersed your arm completely in water .
28 It can often arise even when people are a mere few pounds overweight .
29 So one of the great figures of mid sixteenth-century France was emphatically reminding Mary of her position as the crucial link between Scotland and France ; for that was where her importance would really lie even if she spent most of her life in France , and knowledge of Scotland therefore mattered greatly .
30 He was always on the watch for an affront , which he would often imagine even when it had not been intended , an easy thing for a Frenchman at a politically sensitive time .
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