Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd rather know I came fourth and ninth . ’
2 ‘ Whatever you have to say will only make me feel uncomfortable . ’
3 No , they do n't all carry I mean , you do n't all carry the same weight in gallops .
4 While Gould 's first impressions were not favourable , he was determined , as he wrote to Sir John Franklin , to keep an open mind : ‘ The heat and dust of Sydney is extremable neither does the presence of Drunkards which constantly present themselves in the streets add to the interest of this place , time and better acquaintance with the country will however perhaps enable me to speak better of it . ’
5 I can only hope I get another chance .
6 the habits and practice of the French courts are different from our own , and … when the cross-examination of [ the ] witness is most material , and will alone enable me to judge of the effect of his examination-in-chief , I decline to delegate my discretion to any other tribunal .
7 He can only tell me to eff off .
8 I better go I 've got ta go to work .
9 ‘ You 'd better let me lead , then , ’ said Gurder , in a matter-of-fact voice .
10 You 'd better let me carry you down . ’
11 Before I regret the temporary arrival of my better nature , you 'd better let me make a few calls and see what I can do to get you home today . ’
12 ‘ Yes , you 'd better let me tell him later . ’
13 Better let me watch it , I 'm gon na watch that .
14 ‘ Perhaps you 'd better let me have your name . ’
15 ‘ Here pet , better let me take some of your things . ’
16 You 'd better let me fight my own battle . ’
17 Only thirty five of the hundred here think that we er , need this monarchy so let me ask you a final question , do you think Britain , therefore , should be a republic ?
18 ‘ Ace , if you 'd only let me explain !
19 You 'd only let me make love to you that night because you realised I was a better bet than Peter .
20 The young man faltered , but managed , ‘ If you 'll only let me show you — ’
21 And if she would only let me have Annie round ’ — his thumb was wagging again — ‘ the place would be spotless . ’
22 He would just gently let me know his opinion .
23 I 'd better get me timesheet out of
24 I can only say I took some heart in all of this from the following interchange which had taken place on 1 May between my good friend Sir Patrick McNair-Wilson ( Member of Parliament for the New Forest ) and the prime minister , Margaret Thatcher .
25 ‘ I wish I could court you with beautiful words , ’ the farmer went on , ‘ but I can only say I love you madly and want you for my wife .
26 I can only say I feel sure — it must go where it 's needed .
27 you can only learn I think from your , from your experience and yet it 's something every body has to go through
28 I kept waving to Mike but he took no notice , and if I hang about here Otley will only ask me to fetch him a slice of ox and then I shall be sick .
29 Erm the volume i i is tremendous and er one worries about the effect of the surging waters on such an old construction , now we far worse than and consequently the emergency services have had to consider all sorts of alternatives , some of which you see now with the piping on , on the surface of it 's been having a good result the immediate problem , but you ca n't stop there and the emergency team have given consideration to all sorts of other possible temporary solutions in the event or that the pumping failed and er I think that 's possibly where this rumour about erm the railway line arrived but er I think Chairman I 've said enough , we all , we would all agree I think that the emergency workers have performed er I think we 're all pleased to see the army coming in erm and doing what they 've done and erm I certainly er appreciated the opportunity to come in on the old A Twenty Seven through West it took my mind back er many years I can tell you and erm I , I think congratulations all round are due , but I come back to what 's all saying and which I support as it would be a folly when the dust has settled erm to really take a an objective er position and see that er arrangements are in hand channels and things like that will not again be supercharged in the way they are .
30 It would be something that would vastly improve I think the , the link of the new hospital to the medical centre without going around over Bridge .
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