Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 MI5 's initial task was to counter alleged German plans to secretly invade Britain by infiltrating thousands of spies .
2 RANGERS , having won the Battle of Britain by beating Leeds to progress to the Champions League , begin their quest to successfully invade Europe against Marseille at Ibrox tonight .
3 He does a little Dirty Dancing with Demi Moore in the absurd phallic pottery scene .
4 Since a large fraction of the stock market is held by pension funds and insurance companies which will eventually make payments to workers , monopoly profits may indirectly pay income to some relatively poor people .
5 Overshadowing ( the observation that the associative strength acquired by a target stimulus A is reduced when another event , B , is also present on reinforced trials ) and blocking ( the observation that prior reinforced training with B can effectively eliminate acquisition to A when AB trials are given ) are primary characteristics of conditioning , found in all training procedures and in almost all organisms capable of classical conditioning .
6 So far only the pulsed dye laser produces parameters that approach the theoretical ideal , and even then it is at the lower limit of the ideal pulse duration ; Tan et al have shown that this laser can successfully treat children of any age with a negligible chance of scarring , and our experiences confirm their findings .
7 The signing of a confidentiality agreement imposes a significant moral and to some extent legal hurdle on potential purchasers and should therefore effectively restrict disclosure to genuinely interested parties .
8 SIS will also be covering Kelso , Newbury and greyhound racing from Bristol so the need to give punters the opportunity to additionally sample delights from the orient hardly seems necessary .
9 The only tasks where high success rates were obtained were those where the pupil can effectively treat decimals as whole numbers .
10 Wessex and Yorkshire are thought possible targets for Compagnie Generale des Eaux and Southern could eventually fall prey to Saur , which owns most of the private water companies in its area .
11 That first modest trickle would soon become a flood and Guinness , fuelled by its reputation and success in Ireland , would eventually need ships of its own solely for the purpose of handling Guinness exports .
12 French leaders would humbly seek absolution for Pompidou 's awful error in failing to attend Persepolis , and seek contracts for nuclear power stations .
13 If the following sequence is carried out with sensitivity , not only will it relieve tension but it will also effectively stimulate clarity of thought .
14 Further sales will take place over the winter season and will mostly include works from the private apartments at Broadlands , Hampshire , Mountbatten 's home from 1939 to 1979 , where rising debts and decreasing visitor numbers have led to the sales .
15 While the region has traditionally written off 5 per cent of rates or poll tax bad debts — this year it could be £15 million — the finance director , Tony Taylor , promised yesterday that the council would vigorously pursue non-payers for the rest of the cash .
16 By arguments of this kind , biological or similar arguments could coherently yield constraints on social goals , personal ideals , possible institutions and so forth .
17 His ideas are being applied in settings as diverse as a rich Dallas school ( one computer for every five pupils ) and an institution for the severely handicapped ( who use their turtles to thereby explore space in a way otherwise denied them ) .
18 However , the ethnic Albanian majority in Kosovo province protested that the proposed constitution would effectively strip Kosovo of the special autonomous status conferred on it ( within the Serbian republic ) in the 1974 Yugoslavian Constitution .
19 Changed issues do not necessarily throw organizations into an anxious state of transition ; if they are any good , they are always in transition .
20 The basic purposes of pruning are two-fold : first , to divert and concentrate sap flow and energy into the buds and shoots that will grow in the direction we want , to promote or provoke new growth from dormant buds , and to better utilize energy by removing growth that has borne bloom , will not bear more , and can not make worthwhile contribution to the plant 's processes ; and secondly , surgically to remove dead , diseased and infected wood .
21 It has been SCOTVEC 's consistent view that centres can not only prepare students/trainees to the level of occupational competence , but can also model the requirements of the workplace .
22 Democracy , then , in Syracuse , Akragas and elsewhere , meant the rule of a prosperous agricultural class , which did not necessarily regard Carthage as an enemy , or benevolent co-existence with Carthage as a sin .
23 It is financed by the film industry , and will only grant certificates to movies which it considers are within the limits of public acceptability .
24 Here we can only paint answers with a broad brush , but a coherent picture is beginning to emerge .
25 What we need is not so much a point irregularity such as a foreign atom , because that could only facilitate movement at one point , but rather a line defect which will allow the army of molecules , as it were , to sweep forward on a broad front .
26 All the best rock bands come out of art colleges , etc … and it 's still the case they find they can only reproduce music from Beethoven , Mozart , etc .
27 Good boy , there ai n't many for you erm , cos you 'll all eat biscuits till the
28 So do you think , then , that this policy could only cover people with an income .
29 Pupils with impaired vision will obviously experience difficulty with reading .
30 Readability researchers often emphasise that it is not possible to use a formula to assess difficulty at the individual sentence level ; a formula or graph can only make predictions about difficulty at a global level .
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