Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When she 'd said she was worried about her superiors , he 'd felt like telling her that he had her superiors right where he wanted them , but he could n't .
2 But it matters little where he plays ; he is a prolific try scorer from any position , as a career total of 247 touchdowns testifies .
3 Harbury tried to grab the apparent opportunity but Wickham neatly turned the conversation so that Shildon was able to go on where he had left off .
4 It had worked very well last night with Fräulein Hubert , better than he 'd hoped , but he ought to be careful until his plans were all consolidated , then he could dump Ingrid and carry on where he 'd left off with that lovely little thing .
5 Once Chapman had gone there was no one with his dynamism and far-sightedness to carry on where he left off .
6 I took on where he left off … what have you done for me ?
7 He 's run out of plaster and he 's got an urgent call somewhere where he thinks he 'll need it .
8 The problem is that the man seems to have been shot indoors , somewhere where he felt sufficiently at home to take his jacket and tie off … ’
9 At 5' 9 ’ and eight stone , Desiree took Tyson out for the big count and put him down where he belongs .
10 The proper approach should be to convict D of the aggravated offence only where he knew that V was , or might be , a police-officer .
11 There is one place only where he lifts the curtain .
12 But Roberts discovered that it did not matter much where he grew up when he was driving through Southwark late one night on his way from work .
13 And sitting , of course , more or less where he sat , now that he has moved into his new office .
14 He looked at his wife 's portrait which hung on the wall opposite where he sat .
15 Allowing his legs to relax , he worked at unlatching the twin bolts and eased the door open , clambering inside where he dropped to his knees , exhausted , his chest heaving as he sucked in mouthfuls of air .
16 The report from the accountant confirmed his initial impression that the business was worth investing in so he paid the accountants modest fee of £500 in full .
17 Hope walked back into Grasmere even more thoughtfully than he had left it .
18 So although he has gone to some trouble to leave tracks across his own land at Highgrove specially for the local hunt , the Beaufort , he hardly ever joins them .
19 For a few anxious moments Franco thought he was dead but he came round within a minute or so although he remained in a semi-conscious state .
20 He works for a development agency and two of his brothers were killed by Marcos so although he claims to be the least revolutionary of the family , he is fairly well into the issues .
21 It was only once he got outside that he became aware of what the good people were chanting .
22 The question for Iavolenus therefore is whether the period of sixteen years was supposed to be for the benefit of the trustee ( so that he could enjoy the income from the estate in the meantime ) or of the estate itself ( so that it would fall into the hands of the testator 's son only once he had reached the age of responsibility ) .
23 For someone she had met only once he had had a remarkable impact on her .
24 So once he 's paid the first payment by the fifth of January .
25 She closed the door after her no less gently and purposefully than he had done , and snatching off her shoes , ran silently up the two flights of stairs to her own room .
26 Klein advanced Gentle five hundred pounds to pay the rent on the studio , and left him to it , remarking only that Gentle was looking a good deal better than he 'd looked previously , though he smelt a good deal worse .
27 Simpson could see that they knew each other much better than he 'd presumed .
28 In fact , rather better than he 'd seemed the last time I 'd seen him .
29 It had worked very well last night with Fräulein Hubert , better than he 'd hoped , but he ought to be careful until his plans were all consolidated , then he could dump Ingrid and carry on where he 'd left off with that lovely little thing .
30 Kurt Weinburg 's evacuation began disastrously but , thanks to his headmaster ( who had already proved his sensitivity by introducing Kurt on his first day to the only other Jewish boy in the school ) , it turned out better than he expected :
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