Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Employment prospects were also at least as good and in some cases slightly better than for school leaver entrants .
2 The reserve is open daily except for Tuesdays , from 9 am to 9 pm or sunset ; there is a mile walk from the car park to the hides , but elderly and disabled visitors may drive to them .
3 The reserve is open daily except for Tuesdays , 9 am to 9 pm or sunset , members only on Sundays and bank holiday weekends .
4 Adopting the arbitrary assignment of the N-terminal end of the POU domain introduced by Rosenfeld ( 9 ) , the conserved POU S domain is 69 amino acids long except for class IV which contains a three amino acids insertion between the A and B subdomains .
5 Wilkinson says his area is a difficult one , but no more so than for scholars writing about military strategy and intelligence .
6 In general , this is a general point , the ionic selectivity of such channels is much less than for voltage gated channels .
7 The difference in costs between the sexes was less than for items except in the 65–84 groups , in which prescriptions for men were more expensive .
8 I mean obviously if for example did n't ring up and say I want to sign your name your name tomorrow , I 'd ring her up to see whether she 'd lost her mind or something .
9 So if for instance you 're quite well off and you have two hundred thousand pounds in your own estate that you want to leave , if you make it all to the children there would be an exemption of the first hundred and fifty thousand pounds and there would be tax payable on the fifty thousand .
10 So if for example a dishonest car dealer said bargain , thirty thousand miles only , when really it had done ninety thousand miles then that would be a criminal offence under the Trade Descriptions Act .
11 Every analysis is also to some extent an interpretation ; so if for example you choose to summarise a narrative , you will , by selection and emphasis , be interpreting what the most important incidents and characters are .
12 So if for example , a patient was brought into Banbury , they could use the scanners there , and that , the images on their scanner , you could actually see ?
13 The horn part continues to be written entirely as for horn in F and its true character lies within the comfortable F-horn compass .
14 At the time the thought never entered our heads that there could be any doubt about this , and it is certain that the effect on morale throughout the country was tremendous , especially as for months at a time the war news from other parts of the world was usually bad .
15 Although it occurred more slowly than for subjects given non-reinforced pre-exposure , loss of the OR occurred in control subjects too , a result consistent with the view that α will decline when the CS predicts a consistent consequence and that the OR reflects the value of α .
16 Much of the debate has related to reducing waiting times for surgery rather than for outpatient appointments .
17 Various contraceptive methods have always been known , from abortion to coitus interruptus , and by the eighteenth century condoms were available , though they seem to have been usually used as safeguards against venereal disease rather than for birth control .
18 They have made it their business to gain real knowledge in the political sphere , because they belong to a great consumers ' organisation with the definite purpose in view of production for use rather than for profit , and of the development of a higher and nobler system of society .
19 The Schneiderei 's six-member managing committee of writers , musicians and visual artists ( Margaret Bozionek , Heinz Conrads , Jutta Rinas , Ingrid Roscheck , Manos Tsangaris and Thomas Witzmann ) abhor the description ‘ alternative ’ , but the collective 's soft-sell policy by which works are sold to further the gallery 's own activities rather than for profit has helped it to weather the uneasy times faced by traditional commercial galleries .
20 I would call it the instinct for survival rather than for selfishness .
21 It 's one of the things I try to do for selfish pleasure , glorious , indulgent , selfish pleasure , rather than for money . ’
22 Students spent a lot of time travelling ( walking and even running ) from one lecture to another in various parts of London , and it was increasingly demanded that they should find within the walls of the College all that they required , or that they should at least pay a fee that would entitle them as of right , rather than for charity 's sake , to enter medical lectures .
23 The same applies to a business executive needing a foreign language for specific rather than for holiday purposes .
24 It can also appear in more sophisticated writing , used for effect rather than for simplicity :
25 The other constraint on the speaker is that the word-meaning chosen must also be one which is conventionally accepted as used for entities rather than for properties .
26 The present chapter is written for students of urban politics rather than for accountants , but even so there will be a need for some technical discussion .
27 Charts and other similar devices often prove of more use in trying to analyse facts from your own figures , rather than for presentation purposes .
28 Most shaikhs collected for welfare purposes rather than for compensation .
29 His recipes , some his own and many collected from his friends and contemporaries , were put together in the form of a private notebook rather than for publication .
30 He should be encouraged to think of sport as healthy exercise done for fun , rather than for competition .
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