Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] by the " in BNC.

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1 So if by the end of tomorrow we can say yes we 've achieved all that have have we got a course ?
2 He had been urgently summoned by the sexton , whom the vicar had sent off on horseback , and he was annoyed at being dragged from his bed in Kettlewell , so early on Christmas Eve ; especially as by the time he arrived it was all over .
3 Four out of the five Railfreight sub-sectors deal mainly with bulk traffic which travels by the trainload rather than by the individual wagonload .
4 EVERYONE I have spoken to about the New Zealand tour of Wales agrees that , if they are going to be beaten by anyone , it will be by one of the clubs rather than by the national side .
5 In these societies marriages involve alliances between groups , often of a political character , and as such they are initiated and organized by the leaders of the groups concerned rather than by the future couple .
6 This aptly describes the houses in this book , which were built on the whole by country gentry , tradesmen and clergymen , on a moderate scale , rather than by the aristocracy , who liked to flaunt their aesthetic views and show how cultivated they were on a much larger one .
7 What it means is that the time of release from prison is determined by the Home Secretary , on the advice of the Parole Board and the Lord Chief Justice , rather than by the judge at the trial .
8 The translation from an ordinary barrister to the prestigious — and much more lucrative — title of Queen 's Counsel , ‘ taking silk ’ , is , for no good reason also administered by the Lord Chancellor 's department , rather than by the profession itself , which further consolidates the relationship .
9 The difference between the West now and the West in the nineteenth century , is that now the largest part of the price for development is paid by the invisible people of the so-called Third World , rather than by the pauperised urban proletariat of mills , mines and factories , though there are still some of them about too .
10 The most senior of these officials appear in the Bundestag : oral questions arc often answered by the Staatssekretär rather than by the minister himself , leading to a weakening of the institution of the oral parliamentary question , especially since the answers given are often not informative or satisfactory , and the length of questions limited .
11 Our system of criminal justice demands that the government seeking to punish an individual produce the evidence by its own independent labours , rather than by the cruel , simple expedient of compelling it from his own mouth .
12 And for a really considered exposition of it we can turn to Charles Temple 's Native Races and their Rulers ( 1918 ) , a remarkable work which , though it bears the unmistakable stamp of a mind operating obsessively in isolation , pursuing ideas by their internal logic rather than by the rules of external evidence , can yet be assumed to possess a representative character .
13 The upper limit on the amount of data is set by the database that has to handle it all , rather than by the car code system .
14 Other carers are deterred by the Down 's syndrome person 's physical inability to make the mark , rather than by the lack of understanding : ‘ He knows what he likes but he could n't do the cross .
15 The prospect of achieving early sale would be better if effected by the borrowers while in occupation rather than by the lenders .
16 It is immensely important to us to preserve the status quo by the peaceful methods of arbitration and international co-operation , rather than by the maintenance of armies and navies which a return to the balance of power would force upon us .
17 He had an absolute belief in the Bible as interpreted by the early Fathers , rather than by the traditions of the medieval Church .
18 Reasonable performance was achieved in this task but the aggregation is being achieved by external operations on the objects rather than by the more conceptual approach of aggregation abstraction : new object classes with aggregation methods are defined to represent the various unit sizes .
19 John England the Group Manager for Leeds Social Services with special responsibility for Leeds Social Services with special responsibility for Care in the Community , pointed out that residential care will now be paid for by local authority social services departments rather than by the Government direct .
20 The Evangelical party will perhaps continue to exalt their hero as partially as parties always do — but the members of it will act thus only so far as they are possessed by party spirit , rather than by the pure spirit of the doctrines which they hold in common with their so-called Catholic opponents , whom adversaries style popish .
21 Simulator development has been driven by technology rather than by the behavioural sciences with the standard result that there is a high reliance on face validity with relatively little resource devoted to systematic evaluation .
22 ‘ 1 Researcher acts as observer … physically present at the event which he observes , but does not really participate in it … 2 Researcher participates , but as researcher … participation is determined by his research interests , rather than by the roles required in the situation he is studying … 3 Researcher participates … the researcher temporarily abdicates his study role and becomes a ‘ real ’ participant .
23 A licence fee will cost about £10 and users will be charged for each unit of information rather than by the minute , although there will be no charge for customers linking into GSN .
24 In 1987 he argued for a beefed-up Neddy with the council meetings chaired by the industry secretary rather than by the chancellor .
25 It is also how one must determine whether others have acted well or not , so far as externals go , though how far they have acted well in a proper inward sense , that is , how far they have been truly guided by the categorical imperative , rather than by the calculations of self interest , is hidden away in the depths of their being , hidden perhaps even from themselves .
26 Some of the features of the legal model which we have depicted such as the power of the shareholders to dismiss the directors and the fiduciary duties imposed upon the directors are provided for by the law rather than by the articles of association .
27 Currently 8 per cent of the population has private health insurance , which is usually paid for by an employer rather than by the individual .
28 Corniglia is the hardest to reach as it , unlike all the others , is high up on the cliffs rather than by the sea .
29 The leaders of its armies , appointed by commission ( as Charles VII appointed his chief lieutenants in 1445 ) rather than by the ‘ natural ’ right of birth , were to become its officers for whom advancement would be a recognition of merit .
30 When , in consequence , such background is presented by writers like ourselves , rather than by the official shepherd , it can often produce a reaction amounting to trauma , or a personal crisis of faith .
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