Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The reserve is open daily except for Tuesdays , from 9 am to 9 pm or sunset ; there is a mile walk from the car park to the hides , but elderly and disabled visitors may drive to them .
2 The reserve is open daily except for Tuesdays , 9 am to 9 pm or sunset , members only on Sundays and bank holiday weekends .
3 Wilkinson says his area is a difficult one , but no more so than for scholars writing about military strategy and intelligence .
4 The difference in costs between the sexes was less than for items except in the 65–84 groups , in which prescriptions for men were more expensive .
5 At the time the thought never entered our heads that there could be any doubt about this , and it is certain that the effect on morale throughout the country was tremendous , especially as for months at a time the war news from other parts of the world was usually bad .
6 Although it occurred more slowly than for subjects given non-reinforced pre-exposure , loss of the OR occurred in control subjects too , a result consistent with the view that α will decline when the CS predicts a consistent consequence and that the OR reflects the value of α .
7 The other constraint on the speaker is that the word-meaning chosen must also be one which is conventionally accepted as used for entities rather than for properties .
8 The present chapter is written for students of urban politics rather than for accountants , but even so there will be a need for some technical discussion .
9 The then Director General of World Health Organisation , Dr. H. Mahler in 1985 encouraged nurses to ‘ lead the way ’ in Health for All and envisaged nurses becoming resources for people rather than for physicians , developing their role as health promoters .
10 Their hope has been realized , by rather than for miscreants ; their rhetoric reminds us that Victorian values did not produce an orderly society .
11 In this sense the scene is clearly one of hazard problems looking for improved GIS rather than for GIS looking for good problems , as is all too often the case .
12 This is because figures were usually calculated for groups of speakers rather than for individuals , a practice which seemed to fit in neatly with Labov 's theoretical position that the locus of systematic variation was the group rather than the individual .
13 The dilemma for the author writing for readers rather than for listeners is to avoid delaying the source marker for too long , and yet to avoid destroying the dramatic effect by placing it first .
14 However , the prevailing view seems to be that it is preferable for women to withdraw from the labour market rather than for men to have to retire five years earlier .
15 competition in good programming rather than for numbers ; and
16 Some of the older properties were occupied by elderly couples , and , as the life expectation of women is seven years longer than for men , there were a number of widows in the area .
17 The prices quoted for convertible loans and convertible prefs include any accrued interest/dividend ; this is not shown separately as for gilts and many debentures and loans .
18 Such records are not only a stimulus for enthusiasm and an aid to forward planning but have communication value for a team of staff as well as for parents , and help continuity in case of staff change .
19 It was used for making vessels based on bronze forms as well as for ornaments .
20 Exhibitions are major arenas for spectators of art , as well as for artists ' struggles to achieve reputations and recognition .
21 This can help us towards defining a field of ‘ pedagogical linguistics ’ , that is , a field of pedagogically-relevant themes and concepts , from which to derive appropriate content for pre- and in-service courses , as well as for programmes of relevant linguistic investigation .
22 The Centre can provide for individuals as well as for groups and parties .
23 I would want to add that the theory of RE is for pupils as well as for teachers .
24 Lead ingots from Phylakopi , Melos and Aghia Irini , Kea , the three votive lead boats from an Early Cycladic grave on Naxos , the use of lead for small figurines and bracelets as well as for rivets used in mending pots , all go to suggest that the silver used in the Aegean during the third millennium B.C. was derived from galena ores .
25 Horse riding : Riding is available for children as well as for adults .
26 Ataturk was able to control the mullahs and to find a place for them as well as for merchants and intellectuals in the new Turkey .
27 It is , therefore , for the information of tutors ‘ old ’ and ‘ new ’ , as well as for students and members , that I now outline the education and examination system that the Institute wanted , not as it was , not as some may think it is , ( or should be ) , but as it is today .
28 The Lao PDR has good metalliferous mineral potential for profitable commodities of the first importance in world markets , as well as for gems and industrial minerals .
29 Even so , BBC2 remained , as the BBC told the Annan Committee ( p. 90 ) , ‘ the channel for initiation , for large scale departures as well as for tryouts and experiments ’ .
30 The ‘ right ’ of orgasm for women ( as well as for men ) seemed to have been added to the list of the ‘ natural rights of man ’ which the fathers of the Enlightenment seemed to have overlooked !
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