Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [pron] hold " in BNC.

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1 So if it holds they 'll replay it and if it breaks
2 Right so if someone holds up this piece and you hold up this piece to your mum and you say what sort of fraction is this ?
3 Every Lord Chancellor , especially if he holds office as long as did Halsbury , will make some mistakes ( and Heuston suggests that as many as three of the six were ‘ unlucky ’ appointments ) but Halsbury 's experience may suggest that the proportion of bad appointments is likely to be statistically higher amongst appointments made from the Lord Chancellor 's political associates .
4 Tea parties are wonderful fun — especially if you hold them in the garden on a hot day .
5 ‘ Come on , ’ he screamed and heaved her upwards , clutching at her dress to pull her inside while she held his arms , squirming her legs through the window .
6 So long as I hold the office of Home Secretary , I shall give no countenance to the view that they should not be prevented from being such a danger . ’
7 ‘ But not me ? ’ she asked dubiously as she held it up against her .
8 They can therefore be seen by most of the fans around them , especially when they hold up their arms to indicate that a chant is about to begin .
9 It seemed almost too heavy for him to lift but he managed it , resting it against his leg and swinging it along as she held the door open for him .
10 So when they held dinner-parties Scarlet skimped on the smoked salmon , and Brian rebuked her for her graceless parsimony .
11 Well it is remarkable that it 's taken until nineteen ninety two for the Labour party to discover that democracy consists in one man one vote rather than somebody holding up holding up a card
12 Not if you hold your tongue . ’
13 Not if you hold me close in your arms . ’
14 Tinkers always shifted away if you held their gaze .
15 Not while I hold on to my cottage , there is n't .
16 in the bottom of the cup , it just when you hold the cup up to the light , the picture comes through , you know it 's , the shape and the colours come through when you hold it up to the light
17 But he was smiling broadly as he held her away to arm 's length .
18 in the bottom of the cup , it just when you hold the cup up to the light , the picture comes through , you know it 's , the shape and the colours come through when you hold it up to the light
19 It 's a case of pushing the float up until it holds and does n't drag under .
20 At first Karen left her arms limp , then slowly they came up until she held him firmly around his back ,
21 The handle is up when you hold it and you hook the hoop , you hang it on bottom of the wagon .
22 If you 're using an IFA , find out if they hold professional indemnity insurance cover , too .
23 It 's yo , well if you hold your breath you you sort of do n't I found out you do n't get the fla , yo fla , you ca n't taste it , you sort of clench yourself and you do n't taste .
24 Well if you hold a piece of paper there .
25 Well if you hold on to your money you get loads and loads of work .
26 Now the person possessing the goods after the time limit , even if he holds the goods in bad faith , may call himself the rightful owner , while the original owner promptly loses all rights .
27 Even if you hold some position of great authority , you do n't have to be solemn all the time .
28 In ordinary flowing speech , the whole sentence happens so quickly that , even if you held the speaker firmly by the throat , it would not be easy to spot vibration of quickly passing consonant sounds .
29 He stopped then and after a pause said deliberately , ‘ Even if I held that point of view . ’
30 But even as she held the knob in her hand and was about to turn it , she hesitated and her arm dropped to her side .
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