Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 For those who would like a more relaxing evening , what better than to sit at an open air cafe , sipping an ice cold beer , listening to the local brass band in the village square and watching the sun slip down behind the mountains — perfect !
2 Thus polyisobutylene might be expected to crystallize because the chain is symmetrical , but it will only do so if maintained at an optimum temperature for several months .
3 Certain parts of me were defined by the grass that I dented with my feet or the cushion that I hollowed with my back and had an identity both in time and space ; but the breasts and cunt he briefly fondled existed only because touched at his will and through his perception of them .
4 England A ( 456–7 dec ) drew with Essex ( 317–8 dec ) A RARE century from Derek Pringle provided some spice at the very death in an opening to the season which had been all but strangled at birth by the bad weather .
5 The very thought stiffened her body in his arms and she all but scowled at him .
6 Her dark-haired friend all but screamed at her .
7 Little wonder , really , she acknowledged ruefully — she 'd seen women in the building all but swoon at his feet every time he walked down the corridor .
8 This crystal lets polarised light through only when held at certain angles .
9 Photos and information are now coming in as promised at the Steam Engine Rally and Museum Roadshow which the BCRS attended .
10 ‘ expose your person ’ This point is proved by describing the penis fully and stating what condition it was in as outlined at point 2 ante .
11 Alternatively the retained profit could be deducted from a calculation of the profit and loss account balance carried forward so as to arrive at the profit and loss account brought forward .
12 His project is to discover the series of computations that the visual system performs on the input-pairs so as to arrive at an interpretation of the ( 2-D ) array in terms of ( 3-D ) replacement , motion , or change .
13 He thought to take Mr gross salary in the present financial year , to reduce it by a third to get from gross to net earnings and to do similar calculations for the rest of the three and a half years so as to arrive at the figure of fifty three thousand nine hundred and six pounds .
14 ‘ … the main idea is that social phenomena are seen as existing in relation to each other , and continually developing in and through such relations so as to form at various phases contradictory forces that generate qualitatively new formations .
15 Railways are a type of transport that fall easily under central control , and whose construction may even intensify political centralism , because of the rationality of disposing lines so as to converge at a central point .
16 There are not constant outcries against the police , courts and prisons , so perhaps the Code works in a sufficiently balanced way , so as to blend at least reasonably well with the democracy so fervently fought for in Mexico 's history .
17 Incidentally , the working pattern of these bodyguards , so it transpired over the following days , entailed one or the other of them going up to sleep at unusual hours so as to ensure at least one was on duty throughout the night .
18 Introducing Wired , his biography of John Belushi , Bob Woodward recalls how the rigours of research involved going to bed early so as to rise at 4am to visit one of the comedian 's favourite watering holes .
19 Nevertheless , there is no shortage of energy in passes such as ‘ cum gladiis et frustibus exierunt ’ ( ‘ They went out with swords and clubs ’ ) in the former , and Christophers prefer to concentrate on Peter 's fear as he watches Christ being led away from afar , rather than anger at his betrayal in the latter .
20 She 's all grey , rather than freckled at the moment , but this chick is still something very special to staff at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust .
21 An answer to this depends on a correct definition of human uniqueness rather than looking at those features Man shares with animals . ’
22 Mira , it seems , is walking in the landscape rather than looking at it from a height :
23 Thus the most influential sociologists researching on later life in the last thirty years have been first and foremost concerned with documenting poverty and need among the old , rather than looking at their present lives as a whole , or how they reached where they are now .
24 I do not know what the hon. Gentleman means , but I regret that , as ever — and typically of Labour Members — the hon. Gentleman seems to glory in gloom and despondency in identifying the more negative aspects of things , rather than looking at the positive .
25 The government 's priority is to construct more coal and geothermal plants as soon as possible , rather than looking at energy efficiency and alternative strategies .
26 We had to look at where the opportunities were for development in Greater York as a whole rather than looking at individual district elements , and in terms of land available , erm Mr Steel appears to have included some sites which we classify as land held in reserve , which we do n't normally count towards the land availability targets , although we do acknowledge that it is there .
27 Because of the changed security situation and that type of er conflict not being envisaged in the same way now , what we felt was important was to be able to operate er apart from main operating bases , but also from sort of general purpose erm strips , flying clubs and those type of smaller airfields and therefore rather than looking at the damaged runway situation , we looked at the smaller strips and took a length that we could sensibly operate from erm and took that as the yardstick but clearly notwithstanding that , there is the prospect of damaged runways and therefore the slight relaxation would also apply to damaged runways but perhaps damaged to a lesser extent .
28 Rather than looking at the proposal we decided that it was so that 's what we did really and that 's why , if you have a look down there right , so all we 're doing then we 're working through the resources and allocating them room numbers erm and then when that 's done so that 's what we did for each of the little rooms .
29 He believed that the Scottish Secretary 's estimates were probably based on the operation of the system once it had bedded down rather than looking at initial assumptions .
30 Lady followed her example rather than suffer at the hands of her infuriated master .
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