Example sentences of "[adv] [vb mod] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Go on let's get rid of you now !
2 Someone somewhere must have seen her . ’
3 Now Dean Street , where he killed her , is n't exactly a quiet area ; someone somewhere must have seen or heard something .
4 A kitten somewhere must have strayed .
5 We have seen that for effective teaching in higher education to take place , someone , somewhere should have engaged in research .
6 Surely someone somewhere should have checked to make sure that it was correct . ’
7 The situation was further confused because the rebels were led by Major Giroldi , whose battalion is charged with guarding the barracks and who presumably should have known whether the general was inside .
8 Those that sought to grow organically may have faced fewer problems of this type .
9 Another care perhaps may have diverted from continual watch our great forbidder safe with all his spies about him .
10 But , but , but the whole social and cultural revolution evolution change has led I think to whole different schisms in the press which perhaps may have existed in some of the very one might almost say near communist publication like the
11 In some parts of Pomerania the Poles and Kaszubians together may have outnumbered the Germans , but along the river Notec there were no Kaszubians at all , and German settlers planted in a block by the Prussian Colonisation Commission outnumbered Poles by two to one .
12 so let's get rid of some of it and let's make the angle theta .
13 The theories discussed below may have evolved from different assumptions , but it is still difficult to discriminate completely between them .
14 Much may have happened to a flue , both during its closure , and when it was previously in use .
15 ( It was also pointed out to me , by José-Luis Martinez-Dueñas , that space stations are actually now part of our real world , and so may have diminished as perceived science fictional objects in recent years . )
16 Perhaps some of his churchmen allowed personal ambition and family loyalties to involve them in the political divisions of the reign , and so may have welcomed a change of dynasty in 1016 .
17 I say this because a few days ago Spurs were linked with a different ( Swedish ) defender , so may have pulled out any interest .
18 I accept that we perhaps should have made this point clear in the December magazine .
19 Erm and I I was n't feeling on top form and er looking back , I perhaps should have gone to a doctor then .
20 The material only cost me £25 , so must have saved about £100 there .
21 Could n't have been for the sex if Rose is to be believed , so must have wanted you for dinner . ’
22 But you understand that someone went to a deal of trouble to sharpen it , well in advance , and so must have planned the murder .
23 He was apprenticed as a monumental mason and so must have added literacy in English to his native Manx .
24 He talked of all that remained to be done , of how he would do it all , bit by bit ; said that first of all the attic should be examined , for so much rain soaking in must have affected the beams .
25 In the second situation , A and B are charged with the offence in circumstances where one or other of them acting alone must have done it , since there is no evidence they acted together .
26 Pride alone should have made her indifferent to Luke 's touch , at the very least ; old hatred and new resentment ought to make it repulsive .
27 Why Limulus alone should have survived is something of a mystery .
28 ‘ I obviously should have briefed you , George , but I had no idea you 'd do such a fast job on putting all this together . ’
29 There was as yet no separate building ( other than St. Mary 's ) and much must have depended on the enthusiasm — and ability — of the priest .
30 STEVE BRUCE yesterday described lifting the Rumbelows Cup as the proudest moment of his life , then suggested the honour of being the first Manchester United captain to do so should have gone to Bryan Robson .
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