Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] for [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though I am , as it happens , an officer of the local Labour Party , this may not suggest the radical intellectual approach that you were perhaps looking for in your ‘ groundsperson ’ .
2 And yet , because of a shortage of telephone lines in the old east , and even though the government has a legal monopoly , it will allow the networks to go on operating for at least another year .
3 It was not that the mines were not producing for between 1564–1570 metal to the value of £31,167 was sold , but even this did not cover the operating costs .
4 Area health authorities up here which we 're not looking for at the moment and er because the Government is hashing them around and we 're a bit uncertain in that area .
5 But if , if I stay here it means that we 've , we 've a , a ho a home in the , the base , and he 'll get a transfer back guaranteed transfer back within two or three years , so it means just travelling for for erm you know , that length of time .
6 The brood sizes have been steadily increasing but we are still waiting for out oldest fry to start reproducing .
7 Floating voters tend to say things like ‘ Of course , being in carpets , what I 'm really looking for from the parties is a firm pledge on European weaving quotas , ’ and they tend to sound like Hurd and look like Gummer .
8 Gripped by recession , some banks are now asking for at least temporary relief from these capital standards .
9 But because I was in like really really tight tights , er like and then a pair of ski pants over the top er , my whole leg was like , you know , sort of soaked in and this bloke was there going , hee , that 's pretty impressive and I was like , I 'm not going to let him know I was crying and like got up and went to the top of the slope and I carried on skiing for about an extra half an hour , but like when I got home , and I just took off , my whole leg started , feet swelling as I took the like , the tight like leggings off .
10 Oh yeah , that 's what I 'm saying , there 's eight people used to go up I 've seen eight people leaving the Stenness Hotel crofters were around go round gillying for for the Stenness Hotel .
11 That 's that 's it until I know or I know what I 'm actually looking for in it I can run around chasing me tail all day which
12 What we are essentially looking for in secondary education , then , whether practical or theoretical , is a curriculum and a method of pursuing it that will equip the student with transferable skills and transferable expertise .
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