Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 AMERICAN born Lisa Price , now living in Llanidloes , has been appointed sales manager for Radio Maldwyn , and is successfully canvassing for advertisers in time for the independent local radio station 's launch on July 1 on 756kHz medium wave .
2 He believed that it was a piece that people would want to go on seeing for years , and that turning it into a film would shorten its life .
3 The ‘ Office of Innovation ’ ( OI ) transcends the interests of individual departments , thereby allowing for cross-fertilization of ideas among divisions .
4 The catarrhal state may be lower down in the trachea which becomes extremely sore from much coughing for days and weeks , again is worse ( < ) morning and evening , a rattling , wheezing , barking cough in an oversensitive , chilly patient .
5 We 're not only catering for Harlow people we are catering for people outside which is bringing money into Harlow helping the finance of Harlow and I think we are just progressing with the times .
6 We grew together struggling for supremacy like a wisteria — two trunks from one root — twining tortuously round each other 's faults and failings and culminating in the glorious flowers of two fine sons and a deep and immovable friendship .
7 We , we felt at the end of the seventies that there was no question that the eighties was going to be a decade of increasing food shortages , and widespread famine , that is , people literally dying for want of food .
8 Sometimes this is achieved by a dominant project leader who imposes his own philosophy and then makes many of the decisions leaving only detailing for team members .
9 Then , right after he and Mr. Mendez left , a mustered-out soldier from Thomas came in looking for passage to Bisbee .
10 Sure Ji he came in looking for Jim one morning and Jim was n't there , says he 's in bed so listen I said do you wan na go up and waken him like fuck Jim says when Acky woke me I said what you mean he give you a kiss and he woke you up .
11 In nature small fish are constantly looking for food , and will eat small amounts whenever they find them .
12 As in any business , the successful direct marketing service provider is constantly looking for ways to improve the systems employed , and thus improve the volume of high quality response which the marketer can achieve from his/her campaigns .
13 We are therefore constantly looking for ways both to reduce the amount of waste we produce and to upgrade that which remains .
14 Thus Anderson may have been more prophetic than was realized at the time ( Earley 1988:61 ) : Parents are basically looking for reassurance about their children 's schools and teachers .
15 Did you notice , Sir Edmund , when we were trying to force the door of the church , how Rachel and her mother hurried along shouting for Damien through the window ?
16 Just as change has to be acceptable if there is to be success in implementing it , so training for management has to be acceptable .
17 They have been spending a lot of money on training , but what they 're doing now is localizing it , so training for Oxfordshire , which is different from training for somewhere like Liverpool , it 's got a lot more unemployed , it 's now not in the hands of the old training agency or manpower service commission , and we are looking at it completely afresh .
18 The new method involves candidates literally wrestling for power in a knockout tournament .
19 The APB is not only looking for comments on its proposed redefinition of the role and scope of audit .
20 Similarly departmental was recognised as ‘ deparl-mental ’ , so looking for sequences such as ‘ l- ’ and substituting t would give the correct result ( also y for ‘ vj ’ , a for ‘ c\ ’ , and there may well be others ) .
21 Designs on the screen are most often knitted from bottom to top , so looking for colours as they appear in the design from bottom to top and left to right is an accurate way of assessing where colours are brought into the work and their order .
22 We are constantly searching for ways to better the nutritional quality of our menu , whilst retaining the characteristic taste and flavour of our food .
23 He was obviously looking for directions , but he certain
24 If all that does n't stop the person , they are obviously looking for trouble of some sort and you must quickly decide whether to lash out first or run for safety .
25 Ianthe remembered as she walked along looking for number 28 that her dressmaker had lived very near here , but somehow , after she had made one or two mourning dresses for her after her mother had died , Ianthe had lost touch with her .
26 I could see Bonefish and his sons working the lateen-sail of their skiff way beyond the reef , perhaps looking for turtles which they could sell to the men who exported the rich flesh to the Japanese .
27 The US State Department said on Tuesday it suspected Serbian arms destined for Somalia were on the ship which was apparently heading for Kenya .
28 With the party apparently heading for defeat , however , no senior members of the LDP appeared eager to succeed Miyazawa before the July poll .
29 At home we 'd be constantly waiting for windows in the weather .
30 He hesitated , perhaps waiting for Peter politely to disagree .
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