Example sentences of "[adv] [det] it 's " in BNC.

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1 Cash er cheque or credit card and then I said to you that 's really some it 's really a special market that , Leisure Line .
2 The movie also has a strong message : that wealth is n't all it 's cracked up to be .
3 Sun Microsystems Inc took exception to the story we wrote saying the new SparcClassic is n't all it 's cracked up to be because it ca n't hack it as a standalone thanks to Solaris eating up all its disk and internal memory ( UX No 416 ) .
4 The caravanning life is n't all it 's painted up to be .
5 An urban wage , a rural wage , right , we discount those wages over time , right and that area there , shading the area in the blue sort of box , then this it 's erm , it 's going to be rational for this er , migrant , this person to become a migrant .
6 You can take erm of how much it 's gon na cost .
7 If you could get me a quote I shall see what D I Y I can do and then find out how much it 's going to cost me to buy a new
8 Erm that was er Steve from the Youth Centre because we 've just er told him how much it 's going to cost him to use the school premises next year , and he 's thrown a dickey fit .
9 So if I wanted to find out erm Let's do that one with the the N H S , and this time I want to know how much it 's going to be It starts off at a hundred pounds .
10 We 've got V is equal to nine thousand five hundred , that 's how much it 's worth , and then take away N over ten .
11 And I have to sort it out , sit there , sort it out and then work out how much it 's gon na come to , and then I know then when I go to the shop I know what to get , and I know when it goes in the cupboard I know that I 'll have a meal for every day of the week .
12 Erm saying I 've got this gambling problem , I do n't know whether how much it 's worth betting on this .
13 Where the drink 's coming from , how much it 's gon na be .
14 You weigh that all up , how much it 's gon na cost over the years , you 're paying for fresh air on water meters .
15 They want to know that you know it , and they want to feel confident that if they ask you question you can answer it , but they very much want to know what it does for them and how much it 's going to cost them basically .
16 Now you do n't have to rely on this , because you can ring through to head office in the evening , or you can ring through your branch while that 's open , and get a computer quote over the phone , but actually find it quite useful if somebody asks me to be able to give them an idea of how much it 's going to cost them .
17 customers and how much it 's actually cost you to put the jobs right .
18 Now , the relationship between how much labour there is , how much it 's actually going to cost with labour and plant to do something , and what the bill rate is can be anything .
19 All I know is that probably during the course of the year something will happen and I might have to chip in you know , a thousand pounds or a million pounds or whatever , but I do n't know how much it 's going to be .
20 And they ought to form value of what , so they know how much it 's worth , what the company that 's gon na earn them the money want the money for the valuation .
21 Yeah you 're sort of thinking when my why got a card and then they tell you to look round , how much it 's gon na cost you and I mean , you know , jus jus just you know is everything gon na work out , you know ?
22 And we might ask a depending on how much it 's gon na be , ask , I du n no if Rogers still got his van or
23 See how much it 's costing ?
24 about how much it 's , you know what a struggle it is , yeah
25 She said , look let me know , how much it 's going to cost me to get rid of this , because I 've had enough !
26 how much it 's gon na cost us for an appeal
27 See that 's how much it 's , it 's going up and down .
28 It 'll tell you how much it 's worth , your activity .
29 He said that a man who 's gon na build a , build something , let's put it in a modern setting , the man who 's gon na , a man and woman , a couple are gon na put an extension on their house , they do n't just go down and buy a few dozen bricks , er , and a bag cement and start , they work out how much it 's gon na cost them first of all .
30 He 's gon na see how much it 's gon na cost him in pounds and pence .
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