Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [conj] not " in BNC.

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1 Sufficiently stoned but not unreasonably so , we stand before the bathroom mirror , marvelling at the crisp clean surfaces of ourselves and one another .
2 It is not that I wore sleeveless blouses they were always long sleeved and not Choli 's either but even then they disliked it .
3 Most people have not been indoctrinated into religious faith but into a questioning or ignoring of religion as basically superseded if not actually false .
4 The class gets used to performing at a particular speed and also the movement becomes greatly disturbed if not at the right tempo .
5 Wine , too , was highly priced but not particularly rare .
6 Whites price was obviously done whilst NOT in the first team .
7 Then came death from a wasting disease such as took his scavvy parents , if not death in a rumble with some other undercity gang or with habbers from above , better armed though not wise in the ways of the drekzone …
8 It was decided that , in the circumstances of that case , the discretion should be so exercised as not to require an undertaking in damages from the Crown .
9 The effluent is already so highly diluted as not to be dangerous , and the resulting near-pure water will be used in ICI cooling towers .
10 Whether it 's rightly deserved or not ai n't the point .
11 Equally inevitably , Tinnock was only penalised and not sent off .
12 They were thrilled when they suddenly realized that not only had Tom Mix and Gloria Swanson been in the audience on opening night but were in the same room with them at the party afterwards .
13 For example , under differing degrees of habitat richness , two predators of the same species may have widely differing territory sizes if the resource areas are widely separated or not .
14 Frequently , indeed , local languages are not examined or not counted in the final mark to determine selection .
15 As far as the Church is concerned , Jennifer is a mistake best forgotten and not worth sacrificing a priest for .
16 Where , however , the settlor is not domiciled or not resident or not ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom in any year of assessment the term does not include income arising under a settlement in that year in respect of which the settlor , if he were actually entitled thereto , would not be chargeable to income tax by deduction or otherwise by reason of his now being so domiciled , resident or ordinarily resident .
17 When I was a student , the alkanes were known as methane , ethane , propane , butane , pentane etc , and it was generally accepted that not until pentane did the name indicate the number of carbon atoms involved .
18 Shiva had seen Rufus some years before , though he was absolutely certain Rufus had either not seen or not recognized him , while he was equally sure Adam knew perfectly well who he was .
19 We have already seen that not only was forest the natural primeval vegetation of Britain , but also that enormous areas had been felled to create arable land by the Bronze Age and that woodland management probably existed by the Neolithic period .
20 It was more adaptable and was less expensive as it had the quality of being effective , whether richly ornamented or not .
21 If that option is not offered or not taken up , the first process quickly transforms itself ( by the operation of the SKIP guard ) to the second .
22 This second type of exclamation can not be analysed in exactly the same terms as the first type , however , since the infinitive refers to an event which has already occurred and not to one whose occurrence is an object of someone 's longing or desire .
23 The BA sets are heavy and can be easily damaged if not handled correctly .
24 Additionally it will ensure that staff are not employed when not required .
25 The term ‘ curriculum ’ is generally understood but not widely used in higher education ; academics are more likely to speak of undergraduate studies in terms of courses , programmes , syllabuses/syllabi or content .
26 However , they provide a basis for research , because they are ‘ not directly accessible to measurement ’ but their ‘ postulated components can be easily assessed if not immediately quantified ’ .
27 He said : ‘ When police officers attended the scene it became apparent that the media were also in attendance — how they came to be in attendance is not known and not through any action on our part .
28 For instance , it would surely seem reasonable to suggest that a theory that anticipates and leads to the discovery of new phenomena , in the way Clerk Maxwell 's theory led to the discovery of radio waves , is more worthy of merit and more justifiable than a law or theory devised to account for phenomena already known and not leading to the discovery of new ones .
29 It is an additional requirement of the religion , that it shall be in some logical form which can be accepted by all kinds of people , from the academically minded who need to be satisfied with its innate sound reasoning , to those who are prepared to let faith take over where the tedium of logical study is not wanted or not within their individual capacities to undertake .
30 Thus , we have also included a third group , the mixed grade MALT lymphoma already discussed but not included in the initial classification of Isaacson et al .
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