Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 's not a carpenter , dear , he 's an architect , and a highly respected one at that .
2 ‘ I 've obviously caught you at a bad moment .
3 Her cheeks , which had been so white the previous evening , now had colour , and instead of sagging with exhaustion she radiated the extraordinary vitality that had so attracted me at our first meeting on the Cutty Sark .
4 ‘ I have only seen her at the funeral .
5 It 's as if I 'd only seen him at twilight ; and now suddenly I see him at dawn .
6 It was a thoroughly tested number as Tiller had not only shown it at the Palace but his La Scala Girls had also performed it at the Winter Gardens Pavilion , Blackpool , the previous year .
7 The Oxford ordination ceremonies have been booked for April the sixteenth and seventeenth of next year although the Diocese stresses there 's been no race to be first , they 've merely found themselves at the head of the queue .
8 She had quite literally thrown herself at him , she had bitten him in the neck so hard that he had bled , she had scratched his face and torn his clothes .
9 Spurs have only lost one at home .
10 ‘ Come back , come back ! ’ she shouted , but he pretended that he had not heard her at all .
11 Although she had not realised it at the time , looking back she could see that her life at Mrs White 's had been quite lonely .
12 This E S R D really is the bible and we have specified the aircraft to meet that E S R D and not anything extra , er obviously if one of the four nations wants to build a nuclear role into the aircraft that becomes a very big political question first and foremost and we have just not considered it at the technical level at all because it 's er it 's not in the requirement .
13 In the first pass he had already claimed one at 0938 , Uffz .
14 Children will encounter the Christian Church in the outside world , and will meet with Christianity among their contemporaries as they grow up , even if they have not met it at home .
15 My cousins , & his wife , , sailed from Victoria , via Vancouver to spend a day with us in Seattle ( we had already met them at an all-family-reunion wedding in Cheltenham in August . ) .
16 Wycliffe had not seen her at first .
17 Though Old Red had looked at me so keenly , I would be prepared to swear on oath that he had not seen me at all .
18 Since then , he had returned only when his father was down at the harbour overseeing the refitting of the Russell , staying out all night and sleeping rough , and for the last three days she had not seen him at all .
19 I 've not seen it mummy , I 've not seen it at all .
20 Bowyer 's troopers , as professional soldiers are wont , soon made themselves at home in the courtyard and outhouses : within an hour , Sir John was receiving complaints of food being stolen from the kitchen ; jugs of wine mysteriously emptying ; and chickens , full of life the night before , suddenly being killed , plucked and spitted over makeshift fires .
21 You take me away for the weekend and then come back and act as if you 've just met me at a friend 's house for the first time !
22 He made a birdie at the next , but just missed one at the last and lost by a shot .
23 And er he 's already he 's already got you at a disadvantage , by er er you 're on the move and he 's waiting for you .
24 I have not woken them at dawn with my racket , I have not drawn on the wall in felt-tip , I have not hugged Wally the cat round the neck , I have not spat out my liver and spinach , put worms in the watering can , cacked my pants , made brown finger paintings on the wall …
25 Literally hours before the Shah was about to be bundled off to South Africa , the Rockefeller-Kissinger connection had finally found him at least a temporary haven — the Bahamas .
26 For the life of her she could n't say the expected thing and it hurt with surprising depth that this man had known her father when she herself had not known him at all .
27 He had not believed it at first , but now he was not so sure .
28 Have they not eaten anything at all ?
29 Dinah , who had not liked him at Hampstead , did not like him now ; but the information he brought was useful .
30 If he had been indifferent to Catherine , if he had not loved her at least as much , more , than she did herself , she could not have done it .
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