Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] that she " in BNC.

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1 She was seeing Hector Henderson , and more and more as the days went on found that she needed him , his simplicity and his jolliness .
2 I suddenly realized that she was a pretty woman .
3 I suddenly realised that she really did n't want to lose me .
4 However , whatever the reason , she suddenly realised that she was feeling far too tired and exhausted to pick yet another fight with Ross .
5 She entered her room , but , as reality started to creep in , she suddenly realised that she had n't said anything more to him about that interview .
6 She only pretended that she did .
7 She suddenly recollected that she was now the wife of the director of a large company , and drew herself up with what she hoped was some dignity ; but she only succeeded in looking more than ever like a pouter pigeon .
8 She saw the puzzlement in the other 's face , and suddenly recollected that she had no notion to whom she was speaking .
9 When he gave her his opinion of this , she merely replied that she was sorry he felt like that , and ended the conversation .
10 Which in itself was no lie , but it just so happened that she 'd never been allowed to join the other children in such frivolous pastimes , she reflected with a touch of resentment .
11 Bessie Parkes more prudently replied that she thought it was " undeniable " that it would bring lower wages but " it was only fair to let women have a fair share in the competition " .
12 She only dreaded that she might be asked to give some positive details of the scheme she and Andrew supposedly envisaged .
13 Harry swiftly discovered that she was impervious to charm , but a sense of duty evidently compelled her to answer his questions .
14 He suddenly saw that she was crying , though she said it was because of looking at the fire .
15 One thing at a time she could have handled , but this … it was no wonder she suddenly felt that she did n't have the strength to carry on arguing .
16 She hardly knew what she was saying ; only knew that she must somehow rouse him to movement .
17 She suddenly remembered that she had n't thought to offer him a tip — although , unlike the awful Elise , he had n't seemed to expect any payment .
18 She suddenly wished that she had Finn here so that she could tell him a few more home truths .
19 In fact , she was feeling so relaxed that she ate a second pastry .
20 A US Senate subcommittee survey of 1975 reports the case of a seventeen-year-old Detroit schoolgirl who was awarded massive damages after being beaten up and stabbed with pencils by thirty girl classmates who apparently resented that she was more attractive than they and received better grades .
21 Ask the wrong questions or apply the wrong kind of pressure , and she 'd close up like a clam ; Lucy only wished that she could have more of the patience required to play a waiting game .
22 Said I can guarantee that you 'll have it in a week or so said that she got to have it
23 But she finally admitted that she had n't been in the ship at the time .
24 Actively disliking him , she nevertheless realised that she found his company annoyingly … disturbing ?
25 Then came the moment when she finally realized that she needed professional help .
26 So she held back on her questioning , though she somehow found that she was telling him of her love of music and how Janáček 's lively sixth movement was one of her particular favourites .
27 She just replied that she had got it from the cupboard . ’
28 The manners which Topaz had been taught at the convent were good enough as a basis for acceptable behaviour , but she soon discovered that she had a great deal more to learn , and would also have to adopt a whole new set of values .
29 I do n't know , you see , I just heard that she 'd been sacked and
30 She finally decided that she would go down to the garden and take a closer look .
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