Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To Nikon 's opponents , however , the changes not only smacked of foreign heresy but seemed to threaten the whole meaning of the liturgy , to break the link between the service and the faith .
2 He only learnt of Chalky 's disappearance in February 1989 five days after a meeting at his house between James , Gardiner , himself and a fourth man .
3 I could no longer talk or laugh freely , as I knew he only approved of serious moods and studies .
4 The minds of the other literate villagers were dissipated on what they could pick up in a random manner : most of it naturally consisted of religious tracts , the traditional fodder left over from the past .
5 We only spoke of happy things … ’
6 But it only remained of crucial importance to that small minority of bigoted constables who classify all Catholics as equally evil and nefarious .
7 In this case , what started out as a sideline soon became of major importance .
8 ‘ Or else it just died of old age and the owners dumped it .
9 Nietzsche 's varied contributions included poems , essays oil historiography and discussions of the medieval Nibelungen saga , but mostly consisted of musical compositions , an indication of his predominant artistic interest at the time .
10 In one room , there are three wooden painted phalluses , from a collection they once made of Indian tribal art .
11 HOWEVER MUCH THE hotel maid sprinkled her lemon scouring powder , the salle de bains ( so designated by a chipped blue-and-white oval enamel plaque ) still smelled of stagnant drains , as if it functioned as an extension of the narrow street outside , where a section of the gutter exuded a steady reek of staleness , sweetish-sour , and not entirely unpleasant to Miranda .
12 The periodic convulsions that resulted under ‘ système D ’ usually came of good intentions .
13 With great glee Odd-Knut told us that the fat Germans showered ten times every day for a week and still reeked of rotten whale .
14 As she cycled up to the ornate porch she always thought of chivalrous knights attending maidens dressed in high , pointed hats and long sweeping gowns .
15 Six patients still complained of loose motions .
16 They are more concerned with the lost and how best to win them than with maintaining traditions : who ever dreamt of Anglican ethos in a church meeting in a pub anyway ?
17 This is a 170g ( 6oz ) unit , also made of flat strip aluminium , and arranged for two axis presetting .
18 One was the detestation by the liberally oriented of religious paternalism , a mild form of anti-clericalism .
19 I also learnt of untoward knock on effects and serious concerns about fragmentation and dis-enfranchisement .
20 She also talked of naked greed , although it takes a curious kind of logic to see the deprived as greedy while company directors were awarding themselves large pay increases and the ‘ yuppies ’ in the city were making a great deal of money and spending it as conspicuously as possible .
21 This was very much the implication which was drawn from Darwin 's work by those anthropologists who published immediately after The Origin of Species , so that they enthusiastically talked of natural selection and the survival of the fittest in their outlines of human history .
22 Yablokov also warned of potential long term disasters caused by ruptures of oil and water pipelines .
23 He also warned of dire consequences such as hyper-inflation if the country failed to maintain a unified budget and a co-ordinated fiscal policy .
24 When we saw Liz 's auburn colouring we instantly thought of pre-Raphaelite curls , and prepared to get out the tongs .
25 The PRI had also won the July 7 gubernatorial election in Nuevo León , where the opposition parties also complained of blatant electoral malpractice .
26 They also complained of alleged interference by the country 's Revolutionary Command Council in issues relating to the appointment and replacement of deans of faculties and the university 's vice-chancellor .
27 Sons of Harras were also imported to the USA and they also proved of great importance .
28 Both admitted that they had much in common with the Liberals , but both dreamt of political careers with the Conservatives .
29 Charles and James , who both dreamt of political futures , were both graduates .
30 The strike reportedly took place in mid-April and involved an eight-hour walk-out by up to 2,000 textile factory workers in Berat , some 70 km south of Tirana , protesting against low wages , although one report also spoke of anti-Hoxha slogans being daubed on the factory walls .
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