Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pers pn] could " in BNC.

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1 If properly used it could improve the quality of life by a considerable degree .
2 Then Wim went off and tagged IBM and when IBM and HP agreed to support a common position Sun eventually found it could n't resist , especially with Novell nudging it on .
3 He suddenly realized she could have died , that something awful could have taken place after he passed out .
4 Pulsatilla LM1 produced a response within 3 days when her mouth felt as if it was coated with glue and then she suddenly found she could smell again !
5 Which basically found it could n't make a railway service run and dropped it .
6 She was a startling sight in that setting , for she was immaculately dressed in riding clothes , her breeches almost white , boots black and so highly polished I could see the flood waters reflected in them .
7 The rest of him , though , ran true to form : an old school blazer , jeans so faded they could appear in a Levi ad any day now , and what appeared to be a genuine official Born To Run tour T-shirt .
8 ‘ Coffee , please , ’ she grinned , so relieved she could have hugged him .
9 Hoomey set off up the hill , half running , so relieved he could have cried .
10 Sometimes one or other would misuse that privilege and perhaps shout more than was otherwise seemly , ‘ but the fact that we 'd grown up together meant we could have our rows and know that the next day one of us would apologise , and it would all be forgotten . ’
11 as if I suddenly knew I could n't be sure of anything any more . ’
12 But they obviously felt they could n't make too much of an example of him because a lot of people , mainly on Sky TV , had already judged the issue .
13 ‘ Rohan obviously felt he could make plans for his own future , at last .
14 Joining in meant she could lose herself , forget , live for the moment just as Mark had always done — Oh , he had been a little wild on occasions , she knew that deep down , but Mark , being Mark , things had always turned out OK in the end … until that last time , of course …
15 The are very variable they obviously thought we could afford a
16 A trawler-owning ancestor of mine bought the island , apparently convinced he could make a go of farming in a place surround by his beloved sea . ’
17 He threw himself down on the bed with his head on my stomach , groaning , and between the groans saying that he would be a good husband in future , he honestly would , he adored me , he was very ashamed and only hoped I could forgive him .
18 Connelly hoped they could n't hear the desperation in his voice .
19 He only wished he could grow taller and tougher and learn not to twitch and stammer with nervousness , that he could stop biting his nails and scratching his head so that his father would no longer hate him .
20 She only wished she could look forward to that day — instead , she realised , aching inside at the prospect , she was dreading it .
21 Then I finally realised you could see it , but you 'd decided simply to ignore it .
22 ‘ He told me that all his life he was such a shit , and he finally realized he could make someone as happy as he made me , ’ recalls Joey .
23 ‘ You were n't , ’ Leith assured him , but , while she wanted to tell him that she and Naylor were not engaged — or ever likely to be — she somehow found she could n't .
24 ‘ I just assumed I could rent a plane and fly over .
25 First , an increasing gap opened up between the new scientific understanding of the universe as developed by men like Copernicus , Galileo and Newton , and the picture which orthodoxy generally believed it could find in the Bible , especially in the accounts of creation in the first two chapters of Genesis .
26 Airline access to Heathrow had hitherto been restricted by a rule introduced in 1977 , declaring that only those airlines which already served it could continue to do so .
27 Cos I noticed when we were there and it just collapsed he could n't walk a lot .
28 When I finally decided I could n't dawdle over my coffee any longer , a decision arrived at long before by the hard-eyed blonde in charge of the cash register , I climbed back in the heap and headed home .
29 I just felt I could n't be bothered
30 I became very tired and soon felt I could not swim any more .
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