Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] back by " in BNC.

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1 I did , for the first time in 1979 , when we spent a family fishing holiday in the Hebrides ; and we have been returning regularly ever since , constantly drawn back by the magic spell the Outer Hebrides cast over all who set foot upon her romantic shores .
2 About half of them loosen up enough to allow the foreskin to be gently pulled back by the time the boy is a year old .
3 At one point , they saw the sea receding from the near-by beaches ; sucked away and apparently forced back by the earthquakes , so that quantities of sea creatures were left stranded .
4 Hodgskin failed to break into the charmed circle of the Edinburgh reviewers , and was constantly held back by his painful self-abnegation and the growing radicalism of his opinions .
5 One fishing vessel that we had been watching for a long period had more than one narrow escape from detection by British controls , but was finally turned back by Dutch customs patrols shortly after leaving a Continental port with a cargo of immigrants on board bound for the UK .
6 Staff tried to put the fire out themselves , but were soon driven back by the intense heat and thick smoke given off from burning tyres .
7 I thought you were her lover , someone she 'd never told me about , and I was just knocked back by all the emotions I felt .
8 The clever are not held back by their slower classmates , for the bright child and the less able , working with children of their own level , are able to compete intellectually on equal terms .
9 So their credit policies were not generally held back by balance of payments considerations .
10 The same determination , which was often frighteningly apparent in his 250 days , came bursting through again and yet Ruggia was usually held back by poorly set-up machinery .
11 Other less clear-cut chances were also smashed back by a Springbok side which continues to make the most of their discipline despite having less ball and creating fewer chances than the opposition .
12 Another convoy , carrying supplies for UN forces in Sarajevo , was also turned back by Bosnian forces .
13 Fringes or selvedges that become partially detached can be carefully sewn back by hand using a matching coloured thread of the same material .
14 The most important — and alarming — item brought back by Drake from the raid was news of the mighty Armada being constructed by Spain for the invasion of England .
15 He was glad Rebel had gone off towards the road , though he had probably run back by now for the loaf .
16 Left out of the England side , Deano was also knocked back by Leicestershire police force who vetoed his £5,000 share of the Run With The Ball campaign .
17 Action was also held back by the need to reform local finance which both Reports recommended .
18 Three particular ‘ Snoddyisms ’ stand out : ( 1 ) Roy Allen was blatantly pulled back by the arm inside the penalty area as he ran to meet a corner — ‘ play on ’ was the decision .
19 Children love to draw and colour , but find that their colouring ability is often held back by their lack of drawing skills .
20 Her father had n't come back by one o'clock .
21 It regularly returned to the farm and was regularly brought back by Rose .
22 Between 1873 and 1878 , for example , the hesitant growth of American trade unionism was dramatically set back by a 5-year economic depression .
23 It appeared that the TPLF initially made gains in Gondar , Wollo and Shoa provinces , but were then driven back by government troops , aided by some local inhabitants .
24 And while we were , while we were there we had some invitations to , to dine out with well it was my daughter 's and we went and had a meal with them and they were quite taken back by er they lived in this little which originally I had thought was a was a er a poultry house .
25 Since the 1900s , despite the increasing numbers of the elderly , the proportion has again fallen back by more than a third .
26 In this field the first ‘ acetate ’ made by The Beatles was recently bought back by Paul McCartney , reportedly for £10,000 .
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