Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pers pn] off " in BNC.

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1 His contact had not merely tipped him off that drugs were on the premises , he had told him where to look .
2 Billie had joined Lily and they had obviously hit it off .
3 The shabby ghosts of the Forster coterie waft out once more to pool their romantic gossip ; Forster himself shuffles forward to complain that Joe 's doings with one brawny menial have so put him off the lower classes that he has been obliged to travel first rather than third-class on a railway journey , and once again the air is full of that peculiarly spiritless twitter about guardsmen , homosexual tea parties and cure for pubic lice .
4 they had literally poured it off .
5 The episode of Alison 's knee had been startling , but Franca had somehow shuffled it off , undramatised it .
6 ‘ There 's an awful play on , ’ she snapped , having already turned it off .
7 think of your lad 's name and I 'm saying you give it to erm tt erm oh yeah I remember , but he 'd already told me off .
8 They 're too fucking old man , the commi you 've got all this down and I 've just slagged them off .
9 Several hours later I had not heard anything of the incident , so it seemed likely that the Officer had not reported the matter , or Lovat had just shrugged it off .
10 I hope that I have not put him off .
11 Oh better not put you off your food .
12 I do n't think you , you 've , you 've got to try in a way not to shut it off too much erm and yet it , i you 've just got to sort of be able to not shut it off but sort of create different areas
13 Sine then , whatever the frame , I 've rarely had them off my nose , to the extent that I began to hide defiantly behind them , never fighting being four-eyed except in specs and a ball gown , when I always feel decidedly Everage .
14 Since then , whatever the frame , I 've rarely had them off — to the extent that I began to hide , defiantly Su Pollard-like , behind them , never fighting being four-eyed except occasionally in the odd incongruous evening dress .
15 This woman 's firm had totally ripped it off for one of the midmarket youth fashion houses .
16 Its major aim , as will appear , is to demonstrate that the crucial medical-legal decision is not switching off a ventilator , but rather , switching it on , either initially or after having once turned it off .
17 I 'd tried hard for many years to get him to stop , in the face of informed professional opinion , but he had always shrugged it off .
18 ‘ I do n't think that 's ever put him off in the past , ’ replied Daphne .
19 Nor had he ever put her off before .
20 He was a man and she had hardly fought him off .
21 It was the first time she had ever warned him off anything private and for a moment he looked puzzled and embarrassed .
22 That is relevant to people who are in work , as those of us who have mortgages know , but , generally speaking , it is not very relevant to pensioners , who , if they had a mortgage , have usually paid it off .
23 And now somebody 's probably tipped him off that the police are on to him and he 's doing what they all do , running off to Spain where they ca n't get him .
24 and you 'd have probably written them off when Leicester won a penalty … it looked more like a slip than a push but Thompson 's kick made it one-nil at half-time …
25 You 've probably wiped it off now , by now cos it was ages ago
26 The positivist attempt to disengage itself from legal conceptions of crime and the operations of legal processes generally , clearly marked it off from classical criminology .
27 Hers was on the floor by the bedside table — she 'd probably knocked it off when she had a glass of water , or when she took the veronal . ’
28 On the other hand , Memet had been to public school , so that had probably finished him off
29 ‘ He does n't , ’ Cara agreed , ‘ which is why it 's even more fantastic that after weeks and weeks of my buttering up his secretary I 've eventually pulled it off .
30 Why pretend you 're holding someone hostage when you 've really carried him off ? ’
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