Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] when i " in BNC.

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1 Then in late July I had my clubs stolen again I had left them for ten minutes at about 9.30pm and when I came back they were gone and it was at the time when I was about to play in two large junior competitions .
2 They had whalebone in these stays and we used to cut pieces about half an inch long and in the daytime , I used to make a bag full and put them in between the doors and I 'd go round the first time and put them in and when I went round later , if that whalebone was missing , I 'd make enquiries .
3 I do n't know ; they held me down and when I woke up I was in the back of a car on my way home .
4 I think I was mentally prepared for gay liberation in 1970 when it came along and when I did encounter it it swept me along quite easily .
5 and Jonathan sit down but when I
6 But gradually it 's sunk in but when I 'm there it will probably seem like a dream .
7 and it was in quite a big space , I could off got in behind him and then changed if I 'd reversed in but when I saw this other chap sat in his car and then he indicated he wanted to pull out , so I let him go
8 I 'd been living away and when I first come back into the area a few of me friends was into it .
9 But I know it will go away and when I see friends with babies I still think ‘ Oh , I want one now ! ’ ’
10 No , but I pu put it next to the lift and as soon as Hughey comes put it outside and when I come back I 'll take it away .
11 And even when I had assured myself I was on the right road , I felt compelled to stop the car a moment to take stock , as it were , I decided to step out and stretch my legs a little and when I did so , I received a stronger impression than ever of being perched on the side of a hill .
12 Hospital appointments seemed to go on for ever and when I left for the Sahara , I forgot to cancel one of them .
13 I had a day off and when I came back there was a big trophy sitting there in the shop .
14 Yes well the , the question is that I notice in the assets that investments at cost were twenty five million , the present market value is twenty eight million , indeed since that 's been written it may even be more and when I looked down to the other side of the accounts , I noticed interest on capital of twelve hundred and four pounds and I wonder where the interest from the twenty eight million has gone to .
15 I mean I , I mean I du n no I mean I just , I just ha , I just had to tell you because I mean it really is pissing me off the way fucking Catherine treats me , she was alright before like and when I 'm on my own , no
16 bed you see , get used to it , and when I come in in the morning and try and chuck him off well he normally comes down like but when I bloody go to go to bed with you , that 'll be it cos he 'll be straight there again .
17 And you sign them up or when I say sign them up they 're er an account is opened
18 I ran to catch Liza up and when I asked her where they were she hesitated before replying .
19 She woke me up and when I discovered the fire I got my mum and dad out of the house .
20 The real , open rows , my sisters have since told me , came later and when I was away from home .
21 ‘ There is a brilliant atmosphere at the club now and when I was at Forest we did n't have this sort of camaraderie . ’
22 And I 've been a few years on the Council now and when I first went on the Council I was going to move mountains and make oh big Taj Mahals everywhere , but when you get on these things you have a rude awakening , it does n't work out that way and it works out exactly the same in this erm .
23 No problem Mr Prospect , I 'm glad you feel that way however I am seeing you in a fortnight 's time , have a chat with him between then and now and when I see you next week I 'll ta or whenever the time 'll be , I 'll take his telephone number from you then .
24 Brand told me that they 'd been friendly from way back and when I leaned on him a bit he admitted that they 'd had a thing going but it had been broken off two or three years ago . ’
25 ‘ I kept sending the demands back and when I went in I was told not to worry , they had to send them to the last known address .
26 I was out but when I got back I tried calling but there was no answer .
27 She helped me as well and when I saw you were ill I did for you what she would have wanted me to do . ’
28 from her , training that er Princess Marina , and said oh this is Joy and this is Jenny and er , she 's done well and when I came away Jenny went just in front of me into Sue who works for me Sue she 's , she 's the , the area , the area manager
29 This animal had begun to grunt and go off her milk two days ago and when I had seen her yesterday I had flirted from one possibility to the other .
30 I have not seen her alone face to face all the time we have been here and when I do see her in company she is wont to turn from me .
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