Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] do not " in BNC.

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1 I shall go to him to tell him that you want to speak to him personally and do not want to tell anybody else the reason .
2 These awards cover the payment of tuition fees only and do not provide a maintenance grant .
3 The calculations and specimen disclosures shown as illustrations [ … . ] are for general guidance only and do not form part of the [ draft ] FRS .
4 It should be stressed that the figures given are for manufactures only and do not include exports of primary products or raw materials .
5 Note that nam.typ and nam2.typ are file names only and do not specify a device or directory .
6 Practise speaking your answers out loud but do not learn them off by heart .
7 This category from the 1981 census has proved an excellent indicator , because it largely identifies young , single people living in multi-occupied houses who either can not or do not cook , or who do not have regular access to a kitchen .
8 This is because a major aim of public sector housing policy has been to provide a good standard of accommodation usually for the less well-to-do who can not or do not wish to buy their own homes .
9 According to the current secretary of state , this principle still applies : ‘ Health authorities have a responsibility under the NHS Act 1977 to provide nursing care for those who can not or do not wish to pay for it .
10 If you can not or do not wish to attend , but wish your views to be put before the Inspector , will you please send them in writing to reach the Department of the Environment , Room 13/16 , Tollgate House , Houlton Street , Bristol , BS2 9DJ , before the 23rd February , 1989 , quoting the appeal reference
11 3 If you are coming back from injury or lay-off , go slowly — train progressively and do not expect to be doing the same times as you were before .
12 Conrad ( 1979 ) shows deaf children do not develop speech coding easily and do not read well .
13 ‘ Spend generously and do not keep an account , ’ ran his favourite hadith of the Prophet .
14 Such questions will not and do not go away , whatever the philosophers of education dictate .
15 We would not and do not like them ma manipulation and extortion of workers anywhere in the world .
16 Wholemeal bread and flour can be eaten instead , as these are broken down more slowly and do not release glucose all at once .
17 The oesophageal stem cells in the proliferative zone , as a rule , proliferate more slowly and do not migrate to maintain their ‘ niche ’ in the epithelial/ mesenchyme interface whereas their progeny ( the transit amplifying cells ) divide and migrate sideways , upwards and , during inflammation , probably downwards also into deeper layers .
18 Pupils should be encouraged to formulate first the questions they need to answer by using such sources , so that they use them effectively and do not simply copy verbatim ;
19 Across occupations , pension ages vary arbitrarily and do not show any systematic relationship to individual skills or preferences .
20 Rabbits were bred specially and do not seem to have been common until relatively recently .
21 Do n't speak too quickly but do not ‘ overmouth ’ words by speaking in an exaggeratedly slow manner .
22 The proximal arm spines approach midradially but do not form a single fan .
23 If it is daytime try reading a book , talking , playing cards , etc. but do not nap .
24 Methylene blue is used when eggs are hatched artificially and do not have the benefit of parental care to keep them clean .
25 We fall asleep instantly and do not wake until five-thirty when Crilly 's sister Megan phones , instructing us to meet her at the hospital .
26 They scarcely venture out and do not take easily to strangers . ’
27 Other seed baits I have used successfully on the Severn are tares and maple peas , but I have not used the latter two very often and do not yet know if they are going to be consistently successful .
28 Thousands more shut today and do not return to work until January 7 .
29 Hoeing , the traditional way to keep weeds down during the summer , is very effective for beds and borders and among vegetables , provided you do it frequently and do not let perennial weeds form a good root system .
30 They articulate well and do not run out of breath before the end of a sentence , because they are used to breathing adequately .
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