Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] they 're " in BNC.

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1 They say the original sentence was n't long enough and they 're appalled it 's been reduced .
2 They 've had a big meal apparently and they 're all thoroughly stuffed
3 They come in and they 're worried about the place they they feel it unfriendly .
4 But people now are coming in and they 're expecting everything to be here .
5 Er you you 're sort of chatting away and people come in and they 're all over the place , so er
6 Now you count on that but the next vote then comes in and they 're still not available beds are not available in it , and the next four and the next four so you 'll have , for years you 'll have those out of operation would you like to call it that way and out of production .
7 Erm , well , at the moment I 'm involved in a a big project , new benefits claims , erm , and so if the new claims system could echo which priorities in that department , erm , and it looks like it will be long drawn out eventually at the end of next year , nationwide and effectively it 's a English processing system whereby terms coming in and they 're scanned and you can see images on a screen , so there 's gon na be no calls , what my , what my role in this is , gon na be to get the branches to accept the system .
8 Sixty officers have been drafted in and they 're confident of finding the killers .
9 Put a bit of the turps in and they 're alright .
10 Yeah they go in and they 're laughing they 're l they 're laughing like mad for so long and it 's so funny .
11 When you put them on board they just will change shape so they 'll fit in and they 're marvellous for for packing in .
12 Right , they 're having a row , now Vicki storms in and they 're all rowing .
13 Now I suppose this is just appealing to my sense of power or something , being able to walk in and take charge and in a minute or two they 've settled down and they 're not panicking because you 've arrived and all their burdens are on your shoulders and they do n't have to worry any more because the doctor 's there … this I find profoundly satisfying as long as I can , in fact , cope with what 's happening .
14 Cathy when I was in hospital in er a physiotherapy bit , where they , where they brought children in , erm there was this little girl and like she was riding round on a little bike , you know , so she 's quite , quite old and she had er , in , in brace , but her legs were like out at the side and her feet were pointing down and they 're pointing up , I 'm just a bit confused .
15 I 'm thinking towards the eastern European countries , for example , where one is told , or has been led to believe they were aiming for classlessness and what 's happening th barriers are coming down and they 're heading towards our capitalist society as a
16 They could see no reason why he would turn them down and they 're setting the paperwork in motion to put
17 ‘ The boys spent all their time together and they 're called the terrible twins because they 're so alike . ’
18 Well Freda reckons this , that feather of ours is beginning to stick together and they 're not , well I suppose pillows are
19 They rest on the ribcage of course and span out a bit lower down but they 're still very solid and they — "
20 always used to be sort of double depth down but they 're not any longer .
21 But she 's getting carried away with this , though her friends are good enough but they 're all getting carried away as you would say with a bad crowd .
22 A bit pricey perhaps but they 're very good value for money .
23 it 's that or a new head torch , but if I got a new head torch it , it perhaps but they 're about , they 're about thirty quid I think
24 ‘ But most of the people I 've either played with already or they 're dead now .
25 The coach outside gives the game away — Colchester prodigies The Penny Arcade are playing away and they 're bussing 'em in from Essex .
26 The coach outside gives the game away — Colchester prodigies The Penny Arcade are playing away and they 're bussing 'em in from Essex .
27 The Ministry , the Veterinary Products Committee is now going away and they 're going to do even , even more work on it , erm , so I honestly do n't think that , that we 're going to get much more out of the Ministry until Veterinary Products Committee have come back and looked at it yet again , because the , the answer that you 'll get is that they 're already looking at that side of it .
28 starting in the bedroom now , so decorators said they , and of course they 're doing the downstairs cloakroom so there 's two upstairs , one downstairs and they 're making so much mess everywhere .
29 I see scripts coming through and they 're disappointing .
30 Cor great , I just and they 're doing tag teams , but the tag teams have joined up
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