Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] that i " in BNC.

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1 I liked that about him : he never assumed the kettle was on or that I was free .
2 The official told me that the form was not enough and that I needed a letter from my dad saying he lived alone .
3 A newspaper interview with the very successful American actress Brook Shields quoted her as saying that she constantly worries ‘ that I 'm not pretty enough , that I 'm too fat , that I 'm not smart enough and that I 'm not a good enough actress ’ .
4 and me want a , er , not and that I got two
5 Not just because it would ruin the trust that my relationship is built on and that I so much believe in , but because being unfaithful would require me to be the kind of woman I choose not to be .
6 How many times have you supposed to have taken something back or have it repaired or something and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there and it 's collected du , I 've got things round the house that I 've been working on and that I 've got ta , I 've got ta and it 's collected dust .
7 Now it 's one thing to say well , you know , perhaps these are women who take more exception than other women would do , but there comes a point where you have to accept , I think , that there 's going to be a shift of perspective , that what women have customarily put up with is no longer what they wish to put up and that I think we ought to be , as it were , acknowledged to have the right or the scope to say we want things to change , and to define or to set out in a process of defining what should be sexual appropriate sexual behaviour in future .
8 ‘ My wife thinks I might be risking all my credibility by coming back and that I might not get another job in football .
9 Equally , the whole House will have seen for itself how far we have moved down the Order Paper today and that I have called a number of English Members on hospital trust matters .
10 I have said we will be pleased to provide back-up with visitor 's packs etc and that I would inform you of the request .
11 He argued that I can not know that my diary is in the ( closed ) bottom drawer of my desk unless I have reason to believe that my experience makes that proposition probable ; we can suppose , perhaps , that my relevant experience is that I remember having put the diary there five minutes ago and that I do not remember having touched the drawer since , together with my general knowledge of the consistent behaviour of the experienced world .
12 I only know that it was years ago and that I was not , as I am now , a regular client .
13 If you could tell your clients that they 're on a very sticky wicket here and that I wo n't be the only woman journalist who 's utterly repulsed , you 'll be doing them a service !
14 You 've always made it quite clear that you were staying here and that I could fuck off to the other end of the world for all you cared .
15 I mean there are certain things like , the general conditioners to benefit , which erm , are alright , but there are other things that I know about and that I will pass on to people to look out for that I would n't want eh , that you would n't want eh , erm , outsiders to know .
16 He knows the pressures that we are under and that I am trying to do my best to improve some of the apparent weaknesses .
17 I was packing my kit when it dawned on me that the squad session would be over before I got there and that I would be concerned mainly with being kitted out as a member of the World Cup squad ’ .
18 What you were saying about approachability of lecturers , I 'm not afraid to ask for help , but I am reticent to ask for help more than once on the same thing , because I would hate them to think that I had n't been listening first time round or that I was stupid .
19 Now I protested that it was n't properly decorated yet and that I 'd rather he came when I had it looking its best .
20 One day my mum rang up and said she did n't want me to come home again and that I should go to Social Services because she was sick and tired of all the bother and everything .
21 From being a child to being an adult this apparent choice changed to the overriding , deep-rooted belief that I was actually a boy , that nature had somehow made a mistake biologically but that I was really a boy .
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