Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , where the ball is n't in the socket properly or it does n't
2 It 's either broke down or it 's been an accident because there 's three cars there not just one or two .
3 ‘ That kind of thing either brings you closer together or it separates you .
4 The Maud Committee thought half a dozen should be enough and it followed that each committee would be concerned with a wider range of matters than the existing committees .
5 Enough and it takes the pain away , too much and you feel dopey .
6 " Yes , you 've made that plain enough and it does n't bother me . "
7 ‘ Let's go back , I think we 've gone far enough and it looks dark and spooky . ’
8 Personally , I prefer to speak about learning together because I think it 's more friendly use , er , user friendly I think I understand it better and it reminds me that it 's connected with disciple-ship .
9 It was the only occasion I saw inside and it made me hungry to go again .
10 er it 's an event held in The Gallery and er we have got er ski experts coming er , equipment people ; we have got the latest ski simulator coming down from Dorset , which enables people to actually get inside and it takes you down the Val de Zere er no , yes , takes you down the Val de Zere downhill and it really is quite impressive .
11 because er I mean you put anything hot down on that and e the tip is if you put anything down hot , you take a rag and a a saucer with some raw linseed oil and you heat the rag and you rub it gently and it brings sometimes you know the the the white marks .
12 The Oxford Thesaurus Electronic Edition is very easy to use , the results of a search appear on the screen almost instantaneously and it lacks nothing that the book would have .
13 ‘ I happened to observe you reading that notice below and it does seem to me that this challenging task might well be of interest to you .
14 Small portions of these types of soft coral also become detached from the main colony naturally and it helps to resite these offspring away from the parent colony to avoid competition for light and food which results if they are left too close together .
15 Then the trees closed in and it became very silent .
16 Erm one wonders whether that 's erm wise in the long term because once you 've closed down a coal mine of course you ca n't er re-open it very easily because the roof falls in and it floods and effectively you have to start again from er from scratch .
17 So it came in and it went round
18 And erm it was erm like silky material so it looked really , it , it was n't chiffon it was erm no it was sort of satiny silky , it was n't real silk but it was like shiny stuff , and it sort of went in , in and it went a V down there and then it like flowed down and it was very short and because it was a si but it d it was n't tight , I mean it sort of clung , it showed her waist but it did n't , you know , it exaggerated her waist but it did n't like it did n't cling anywhere else really and it just looked quite , it was flowing and it was , it was really smart and it was , I , the sort of erm the material would be erm sort of almost like und er like my pyjamas that , it was that in black kind of halfy satiny silky stuff .
19 a lovely cottage , thatched roof cottage they lived in and it had an apple tree in the front , and a pear tree down the back , and all fruit trees .
20 You know very often , in fact usually the best way of working things out is to go right back to the beginning is n't it , it , to start off at square one and the trouble is sometimes we want to start in the middle , we want to pick it up where we think we can come in and it does n't work that way , we 've got to go right back to the beginning , and what is it at the beginning , well we look to see how God , what God 's plan and his purpose for us is , how God made us , it tells us there in the book of Genesis in the first chapter in verse twenty seven , that God created us to be like himself and you 've got to look in the mirror and I 've got to look in the mirror , not just the glass mirror on the wall , but into the mirror of ourselves and realise we do n't have to be intellectuals , we do n't have to be astute observers , but even the very cursory of glances will show to us that were nothing like it , if God made you and me to be in his image , then something has gone wrong , but that 's how we started , that is how he made us and in making us to be like himself that does something tremendous because it gives to men and women , it gives to human kind a status and a responsibility in creation , he did not make you and me like the animals , no matter how wonderful their abilities are , they 've got tremendous instincts , they 've got tremendous homing instincts , how that tiny bird weighing , weighing less than an ounce can fly thousands and thousands of miles , for the first time and come back , six , nine months later to the very spot where it was hatched out of an nest , now you ca n't do it , I ca n't do it , but for all wonders that God has put into the , into his , to his creative to his , in , in his creation , in animals , in birds and in other creatures , he has done something that marks you and I humanity out above and beyond all his others creation , he has given to us a status and a responsibility
21 in and it sparks ,
22 perhaps in six months or in sixty years erm facing the same kind of problem again er I , I can erm I have close experience with a situation on my , on my own patch which rises from time to time an and is most unpleasant for the people in and it goes back if I might say so an and therefore the planning considerations that have been mentioned need to be paid attention to .
23 Another piece of equipment I use is my boots , my shoes , my trousers , my clever truncheon pocket , it 's a long thin pocket which I can put the truncheon in and it hides away .
24 Then , quite suddenly , the monkey 's body clocked kicked in and it fell asleep .
25 I kept putting more water in and it got so full .
26 every so often , they 've got these little card things well they shove them in and it clicks all these numbers up so I used to buy one token
27 One rather exciting will home made will I hasten to add I dealt with last year , the lady of some who was not getting on with her husband and I think although I 'm not absolutely sure that the handwriting is that of her sister and we have this form filled in and it mentioned the bank or special savings account and it mentioned the premium bonds and it mentioned everything in the back bedroom and the linen in the linen and the linen cupboard because she 'd brought all this lot and it failed to appoint an executor and it failed to deal with the residuary estate it meant that technically there was a partial intestacy , as there was a partial intestacy the rules applied to that , first person to inherit ?
28 So she kept the tune trapped in and it marched up and down inside her head .
29 A straight channel was cut under the new bridge for the river to run in and it joined the original channel near the site of the old boathouse , the river 's original course having been near where the old Post Office used to stand .
30 On one occasion I had some winter clothes brought in and it did take up literally half the visit , sorting all that out , and arguing about what I could and could n't have .
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