Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] now that " in BNC.

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1 Feeling a little better now that the weight was off her feet and the room had finally stopped swimming around her , Lisa watched him through lowered lashes as he phoned down his order .
2 All right now that we can do numbers up to thirty one , let's see if we can do a few more dates .
3 It 'll be all right now that I 'm here . ’
4 This had been a fact of Lucy 's life for so long now that she 'd almost lost her sense of its shock value , but Josie was hit by it head-on and without warning .
5 All this time , all these years , I 've been lugging this weight around with me , for so long now that I 've forgotten what it 's like to be free of it .
6 Yeah well Mar was un got , got the impression perhaps wrongly now that it was a national account by virtue of where the allocations were
7 She was held so tightly now that she could not struggle .
8 GUN LAW : ‘ There are more guns down there now that we ever thought possible . ’
9 I had to laugh at myself for thinking rather longingly now that I should miss it this year , and especially I would miss Addy , whom I loved .
10 The boot is still the dominant feature of the game , more so now that we have this tactic of kicking deep for position .
11 Even more so now that victory seems to be slipping away from us .
12 IN THESE violent times when all young children are at risk — more so now that the nights are dark when they are coming home from school — the Government promised last year that this year they would leave the clocks alone .
13 And more especially now that we 've started raiding back against the MacIans and their friends .
14 Soon he was joined by other Europeans and henceforth it became a common sight to see one or other of the ladies or gentlemen of the " confident " party slapping away at the trough where once the dhobi had slapped ( for on the day after the Collector 's appearance the dhobi had vanished from the enclave , either because he considered it too dangerous to remain any longer now that the commander of the garrison had assumed the caste of dhobi or , more likely , because he resented the competition ) .
15 She laughed a little nervously , unable to help noticing out of the corner of her eye that the little crowd which had gathered was melting rapidly away now that official help had arrived .
16 In fact he loved her even more deeply now that they were apart .
17 After all , Changez was needed in the shop even more urgently now that Anwar had so enfeebled himself on the Gandhi-diet in order to get Changez to Britain in the first place .
18 We can see more clearly now that the ultimate end of such a process — the flood entirely tamed — is both impossible and undesirable .
19 Tom would probably be lonely up there now that Pete had left .
20 They probably have neither the time nor the inclination to go through the necessary learning process , and particularly so now that the more modern battery-powered devices are available and are so efficient .
21 And their third album , which is actually untitled , should do even better now that they have notched up a few hit singles to go along with the hit album .
22 The air crews used to flock around the office even more now that she was with us , and in particular a navigator called Henry who made numerous attempts to date her .
23 It still terrified her — ; even more now that it was acknowledged as a portion of her soul .
24 well I du n no , they ought to be even more now that fighting , er supposedly fighting for business
25 I remembered it quite clearly now that I was walking towards it .
26 And everywhere else now that I come to mention it . ’
27 ‘ I expect things will get stirred up pretty soon now that the Admiral 's back in town , ’ observed Amiss .
28 So he had , but I see very clearly now that he 's a double-dealer capable of any mean trick . ’
29 Breeze , hoping to please her , gave a lemonade and sandwich party one evening , to which she invited Roger , Tony , the two younger Blessington-Dalrymples , and that live wire , Mr Dare , who was working much too hard now that his Hungarian wife was having a holiday in her native land .
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