Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] know [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Behind her I could see into what is rather optimistically known as the vestry — which is nothing more than a curtained-off area of the floor , rather like what you might see in a hospital casualty ward .
2 However , though honoured , especially in his native France , his discoveries were not immediately applicable and his contemporary influence therefore less than that of his fellow-countryman Louis Pasteur , who became , with Darwin , perhaps the mid-nineteenth-century scientist most widely known to the general public .
3 They are most widely known as company secretaries ( which is the function of roughly 20 per cent of the UK 's chartered secretaries ) .
4 The movement for excellence is most widely known through the work of Peters and Waterman ( 1982 ) .
5 Frankfurters are the most widely known of all the scalded sausages , and many other varieties such as Bockwurst , Knackwurst and Weinerwurst are really the same thing but in different sizes .
6 He was joint editor of the English Historical Review , 1939–58 ; professor of history in the University of Edinburgh from 1945 till his resignation on health grounds in 1954 ; and in 1951–2 Ford 's lecturer in Oxford , delivering the lectures which became probably the most widely known of his books , King George III and the Politicians ( 1953 ) .
7 ‘ There 's so little known about him .
8 Few senior ministers are so little known outside Westminster and the City .
9 Been in combat long enough to know about fall-back positions in case things go wrong . ’
10 You will note that Mr. A. N. Other is a material holder in the company ; he is perhaps better known for his holding in Major Plc .
11 She is perhaps better known to the local community for her involvement with two Gaelic choirs .
12 However , up to the time of his partnership agreement with Scott , he had only completed approximately ten buildings , and was perhaps better known as a writer and administrator .
13 Stuart Errington was perhaps better known as Chief Executive and Chairman of Mercantile Credit ( and at different periods Chairman of the Finance Houses Association and the Equipment Leasing Association ) , but is now Chairman of the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux .
14 As a legal category , ‘ international judicial assistance ’ is perhaps better known in countries of the civil law tradition than those of the common law .
15 Epic have been fabulous ; they 're much better known for the Michael Jacksons and George Michaels of this world , but they 've been really helpful to me … ’
16 A man like Richard Hamilton , for instance , who 's now pretty well known in this country , was much better known on the Continent of Europe and in America , in Switzerland , in Germany , in Northern Italy — Milan particularly — much better known there than he was for decades .
17 Major Iron Age stronghold , but much better known as the capital of the Ancient Nabataeans , fourth century BC to sixth century AD .
18 Equally notable has been the worsening relationship with leaders of the Church of England — for so long known as the Tory party at prayer .
19 Dave Robson La Ronde Gulbenkian Studio Theatre , Newcastle ARTHUR Schnitzler 's Reigen is perhaps best known under its French title and as the first of two film versions , made by Max Ophuls in 1950 , is remembered as the quintessence of Viennese elegance .
20 ‘ Dr Lambert is perhaps best known for his initiative in the First World War towards the production of respirators .
21 She is perhaps best known for her book South Riding which was based locally .
22 Airtours — perhaps best known for cheap Mediterranean holidays — has begun to fly to more upmarket destinations such as Florida , Kenya and the Caribbean .
23 The Swedish-born businessman and philanthropist is perhaps best known for having established in 1977 the annual Mitchell Prize for distinguished English-language books in art history .
24 It was Thomas Paine who is said to have suggested United States of America as the name for the new country but he is perhaps best known for abolishing slavery in Pennsylvania 1780 and for his important written works including ‘ The Rights of Man ’ .
25 Perhaps best known for his feud with the Al-Fayed brothers over Harrods and the House of Fraser , Tiny Rowland built up his mining and trading company , Lonrho , in the '50s and '60s .
26 He 's perhaps best known for his love of livebearers — but the fishhouse holds a great many other species — some breeding projects , some pets , including a superb ‘ pair ’ of snakeheads , Derek 's new pride and joy .
27 Playwright John McKay , perhaps best known for his Channel 4 sitcom My Dead Dad , has written a neat , pacy story that combines humour and suspense with concise and colourful dialogue .
28 John Voight , the American film star , perhaps best known for his Oscar winning performance in Midnight Cowboy , is in Oxford for a couple of days .
29 Colin Squire , perhaps best known to the yachting world as crew on many a high class yacht , pops up in a new guise as the representative of marine artist Harry Clow .
30 It is perhaps best known through the smash-hit sixties musical Hair !
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