Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] get a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not long enough to get a pay-off cheque from Mick Jagger . ’
2 Cos he 's obviously just got a three .
3 No longer so just to get a feel f
4 She always only ever gets a pass .
5 If there had only been some way they could have gone in the doors of University College together and come home on the bus each night , or better still got a flat together , life would have been perfect .
6 ( That 's me , Stuart , and another mate — anyone else we know going ? ) . tells me all the Leeds tickets are sold out already so getting a ticket now means feigning cockneyism and ringing Highbury .
7 it 's just like drinking , it 's just like getting a spoonful of sugar and sticking it in and wiping it around .
8 You will not always get a reply but you may be surprised at how often you do .
9 A recent Which ? report confirms that we do not always get a good deal from British sausages .
10 Individual properties and relations have been with us since Aristotle , and have had the support of such diverse philosophers as Peirce and Stout , but they have not always got a good name .
11 Just about get a , about three or four one .
12 He detests travelling alone , he is impossible to clip unless doped , he loathes vets and injections ( ‘ We can just about get a needle into a vein now he 's sixteen … ’ and he has to be sedated for his teeth to be rasped .
13 I 'd just about got a speech arranged when you announced that the afternoon had been no big deal ! ’
14 Lenin , who does not often get a kind word these days , was right in at least one of his prophecies .
15 Ursula Hutton , nee Cohn , did not even get a good night 's sleep before plunging into the realities of her new life with her foster family in Willesden :
16 Yesterday , two Norfolk men who kidnapped a prime suspect and took him for a ride were sent to prison for five years and apparently the suspect did not even get a police caution .
17 If she had failed to love her mother , she the missionary , what must it be like for people who , without God , had not even got a Christian obligation to try ?
18 you know you sort of , you were there , I am as a trainer you were sort of digging away there getting a bit more information out about people .
19 If a wife who formerly worked is over 60 and retired but can not yet get a basic pension on either her own or her husband 's contributions , she may be able to qualify for an additional or graduated pension based on her own contributions .
20 We have not yet got a tool kit for the elderly — like computerised personal alarms — because the elderly en masse are a modern phenomenon . ’
21 ‘ There is no extra money available because IBM has not yet got a client for the product , ’ he says .
22 A spokesman for Stickley & Kent , one of the UK 's biggest repossession auctioneers said : ‘ We sold a couple of flats last month for Pounds 5,000 , but by and large anyone buying a repossessed home does not actually get a bargain .
23 The problem can only be solved with patience , and with the realisation that , much as one is posed with the right pressure on the cable release , one may not actually get a shot because of the steady stream of people making their way ( quite properly ) to a performance in the hall itself .
24 People can not be photographed well at a quarter of a second … = The problem can only be solved with patience , and with the realisation that , much as one is poised with the right pressure on the cable release , one may not actually get a shot because of the steady stream of people making their way ( quite properly ) to a performance in the hall itself .
25 Although only about one third of staff are represented by their diaries , the reader can still perhaps get a ‘ feel ’ of how some parts of the school operate , and may on occasion be able to read between the lines .
26 Thus a school in an affluent area is usually praised whereas one in a deprived area will usually only get a ‘ satisfactory in the circumstances ’ judgement .
27 the bank seems to pay the a cripplingly low salary demand that everybody dresses in in Saville Row , but you could buy a house on a something like two and half percent mortgage well it 's not like that now , but it 's still still get a preferential mortgage and this banking person man was looking around only three or four weeks ago , but you see a lot depends on your luck as to whether you pick up a a very good buyer .
28 ‘ Deus venerunt gentes ’ is long a good ten minutes if you sing all four sections ; the ranges of its five-part scoring lie less comfortably for modern choirs , and its vocal lines are technically demanding ; the harrowing text makes it an unlikely choice for church use ; the piece has never been published except as part of a library edition ; it takes stamina and capable direction to make a convincing interpretation out of it ; and since it hardly ever gets a hearing , only the adventurous know of its existence .
29 ‘ Pensioners hardly even got a mention in the Budget , it was all about small businesses and the like .
30 Erm so I may sort of look into it a bit more maybe get a bit more experience
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