Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] that many " in BNC.

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1 But also in another sense , conservation has frequently been seen as an imposition , so much so that many local people rioted , formed armed resistance and used the issue as a nucleus for organising wide-ranging political dissent in eastern Africa against the British colonial administration ( Young and Fosbrooke 1960 ; Cliffe 1964 ) .
2 Is my right hon. Friend aware that the fund-holding system has been a spectacular success — so much so that many of the more trendy , intellectual GPs who were initially sceptical of it now welcome it more and more with open arms ?
3 So much so that many people internal to Digital never bother venturing out into the big bad world of USENET for their kicks .
4 The number of books , theses and bound copies of periodicals is increasing so greatly that many libraries have a serious storage problem .
5 The usurpation of 1483 happened so quickly that many of the duchy servants were presented with a fait accompli , whereupon as usual they backed the crown ( which now happened to be worn by their erstwhile chief steward ) .
6 The usurpation of 1483 happened so quickly that many of the duchy servants were presented with a fait accompli , whereupon as usual they backed the crown ( which now happened to be worn by their erstwhile chief steward ) .
7 It has been suggested so far that many academic lawyers and policemen share the view that where a woman has sexual intercourse with a man , she should be regarded in law as having consented to it save in exceptional circumstances as where violence or the threat of it is used .
8 But it was not so long ago that many leading Tories faulted it for being mismanaged , diffused , uncertain , failing to set the agenda ; in a word , bad .
9 The quotation on page 53 from the Bhagavad Gita appears to support the idea not only that many gods exist but that many gods can be followed and worshipped .
10 It was not merely that many people were dismayed by Labour 's tax plans : they also felt a wider and deeper sense of mistrust , that Labour 's numbers on revenue and spending simply did not add up .
11 The ‘ social divisions ’ theme has been taken up in another way by some recent feminist writers who have been concerned to show not merely that many welfare provisions discriminate against women , but also that female services within the family and neighbourhood form crucial separate welfare systems , enhanced in importance when other systems fail or are withdrawn .
12 It is not just that many of the old structures of central planning have been demolished , or that much of the government is now in the hands of people who still refer to themselves quite unselfconsciously as ‘ the opposition ’ .
13 There 's not normally that many people there are there ?
14 And we , we normally have members go , we 've had as many as five one year , or was it six , erm , not always that many I think , was it three of you went last year , I think it was three was n't it ?
15 Not really that many there were maybe the the holiday trip to Kirkwall maybe just for the day into Kirkwall .
16 I mean , there are n't actually that many out where I come from . ’
17 So th let's look then back at this illustration for a moment , this incident , Jesus then gets er a few of his disciples and they go out , in the boat , and there are others who follow him , they get into their boats quite likely , quite possibly that many of the others would have been followers of Jesus , some of his other disciples , it 's unlikely in these very small little er lakeside fishing boats that many of disciples would have got in , there might have been four or five of them that would have been about the lot and so the others would have got into some of the other boats which were nearby and , and others are the people that had been listening to Jesus , they too get into boats , and they pull out following him , wanting to hear if he 's got anything more to say , wanting to witness anything else that he 's gon na do , they wan na be there to see and to hear what Jesus has to say and is going to do .
18 scientists , pollen analysts , geographers and archaeologists now indicates quite clearly that many areas of Britain owe not only their appearance but also their very soils to man 's activities in the past .
19 I did n't say much at those early stewards ' meetings , but realised very quickly that many of the very excellent people present were somewhat lacking in the ordinary muscle a steward requires to carry out his job quietly and efficiently .
20 It seems to me that the New Testament says very clearly that many people came to Jesus asking for a sign and he pointed to himself .
21 Add to this the pessimism and fear of becoming old , and the result is too often that many older people can become non-participating social individuals , who feel increasingly isolated and cut off from all that is happening around them .
22 Lots of us understand very well that many revolutions died because their leaders could not forget how good they were at destruction .
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