Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] down " in BNC.

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1 And the Postman 's spectacle was covered in greenflies from the vigorous activity up the tree : " No , but I says to him " — " Really , all right " — " Well " — " and " — " Oh , you 've done it " — " Must go down to the " — " Taps , got to get some " went the song to the rhythm of empty beer bottles dropping into the side pocket receptacles of tree-holder number 29 on the dustmen 's route — and the tip-holding pockets for the dustmen were not full or anything cos the ladies had all forgotten their purses , and the paper , folding , crumpled , torn money had long since fluttered down from their knicker-elastic banks .
2 Ferguson then said he would buy the title for the fans he had so badly let down .
3 He reduces it to this petty party political level and then he makes excuses for all the lowest-performing local authorities , which are Labour-controlled , and resists any idea that we should address the teaching methods that have so badly let down children in Newham , Bradford and all the other areas in the bottom 20 , almost all of which are Labour controlled .
4 All around them the other coolies stared in disbelief at the sight of their tormentor so astonishingly struck down before their eyes ; then the floodwaters of their hatred burst some invisible dam , and several men dashed forward screaming incoherently to slash at the kneeling man 's head and shoulders with their coupe-coupes .
5 There is , however , a worrying trend that is perhaps best put down to enthusiasm .
6 She 's only just gone down , after givin' me her life story and what 'appened at her granddad 's funeral when a wheel came off the 'earse .
7 Ee ee he should n't be able to buy them cos he 's only just gone down !
8 Gazing at him in astonishment , Fabia only just held down a gasp .
9 He had only just disappeared down the graveyard path and out of sight when the postman arrived at the back gate .
10 This can be so easily set down ; indeed , written at such a general level as they are here , these statements become almost obvious .
11 Did you truly believe , it seemed to say , that I was to be so easily pinned down ?
12 These days , as John has said , it 's much more broken down than that .
13 They were all later closed down .
14 A dominant tradition of thought within the Labour Party " sees " the British constitution in terms rather different from those which we have so far set down .
15 The new credit line brings the company 's total unsecured facilities to $100m , of which it has so far drawn down $20m .
16 ‘ I have been scribbling since infancy , though I 've only now buckled down to it .
17 Well I just wonder you , there has got to be some kind of relationship between the fact that most people who take drugs live in really run down deprived areas .
18 But this is the penalty all pioneers must suffer , for we all operate within the narrow confines of the knowledge and attitudes of our day , and before condemning us entirely , it is to be hoped that future students will appreciate that their own work would be that much more difficult , but for the solid foundations so meticulously laid down by John Pearson Gillam .
19 These had perhaps once been outhouses which had long ago fallen down .
20 But the realities of decision making , as I have tried to show earlier in this chapter , are not so readily pinned down .
21 One of these is that stocks have been only modestly run down compared with previous recessions ; another is the boost to government spending from the Gulf war .
22 He was embarrassed , she knew , because she was sitting at old Eddy Moulton 's desk , upon the top of which poor old Eddy had so recently laid down his head and died .
23 Most days I saw damage , people with huge problems , emotional , social , financial — sometimes self-inflicted , mostly just handed down to them .
24 Job control can be ineffective if the command structure is not properly laid down .
25 It is held by Moslems to contain all the essentials of their belief , and to be a collection of passages of direct revelation uttered by Mohammed ( although not all written down during his lifetime ) .
26 Skill is demonstrated by persistent and efficient pursuit of an objective and the skill can usually be understood although not necessarily written down with any great precision in terms of a goal and the path towards that goal .
27 These pronouncements were not necessarily written down and so they might be carried off into oblivion by the winds of time .
28 This incident was an isolated one , but it served to highlight the overlap between the possible measures of performance that had been considered ; an undetected error not only slowed down the payment of the expenses , but could also have bought into question the honesty of the individual and thus affected the status of the section head .
29 He was pleased at the news , though it must be reported not exactly knocked down with a feather .
30 The merlin population has yet to recover , because they are still affected by levels of PCBs , which are not easily broken down by the environment and are still leaking from industrial sites .
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