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1 When the committee system of the ASEA is considered as a whole , it is apparent that members were consciously operating an employment policy based upon casework , the practice most conspicuously associated with the COS , which , given the origins of the Association , is by no means unexpected .
2 To follow this argument in more detail , it is worth turning to the product which is most intimately associated with the earliest period of the industrial revolution , that is cotton cloth .
3 Directly and of its own accord , it has ‘ not a little contributed towards spoiling the most useful parts of knowledge ’ : ‘ the plainest things in the world , those we are most intimately acquainted with , and perfectly know , when they are considered in an abstract way , appear strangely difficult and incomprehensible . ’
4 Where there is temporal , sequential information of importance , then this will be most effectively dealt with in the left hemisphere , while if the information is static and only spatial then right hemisphere processing may be sufficient .
5 the fact that Freud linked the two things together , the very title of the book shows the evil th that group psychology and ego psychology were intimately intimately connected with one another and er the central idea was that as Dean rightly says is that in a group the leader or the leading principal , and it does n't always have to be a person , although usually a person plays , kind of represents the , the er the leader in the way that the Pope represents Christ for example , you know Christ ca n't be here right now , he 's doing other things elsewhere I presume .
6 The great treeless plains from Salamanca to Valladolid were most economically employed with wheat and grazed fallows , while other poorer provinces — Avila for instance — could grow little else , even if it meant wretched crops and three-year fallows .
7 The thorax of the large-eyed trilobite is remarkably long compared with the average trilobite ( compare Fig. 33 ) .
8 Of these animals , water-pigs are those most highly charged with mystical power ; they wallow in water , which the Lele believe to be the place of spirits , so the association is plain .
9 Of all the sectors , Telecommunications was the most highly valued with a 25.5 price to earnings ratio and 1.57 total market capitalisation to turnover ratio .
10 The variables which are most highly correlated with estimated risk are the subjective risk rating given at the same time ( r=0.512 ) and average traffic flow as recorded by Cambridgeshire County Council ( r=0.398 , see Appendix 1 ) .
11 In relation to third parties the matter was most sensibly dealt with by Bingham LJ at p625 .
12 basically the criteria is what is the most , how is it most sensibly dealt with , right , cos you do n't want a or somebody like that rushing all over the bleeding country going to Aberdeen one minute , Edinburgh the next
13 Although Gregory insisted that he was related to thirteen of his predecessors in the see , his family was most obviously connected with Burgundy and the Auvergne , and a local priest , Riculf , saw him as an outsider .
14 Even in this era of psycho-history , it is impossible to think of any other historical character of note whose public persona has been so submerged , and private morality so relentlessly pursued with such ruthless subjectivity on the part of those who have written about her .
15 The Andean lines , like the British leys , are only rarely associated with astronomical orientations , so archaeoastronomy can be only a part of the linear mystery , not vice versa .
16 It would appear that oral lichen planus is only rarely associated with coeliac disease .
17 In particular , it has a lower jaw so loosely connected with the upper that it can be pushed forward like a long narrow spoon .
18 She was a retired hospital nurse and Mark had often wondered why her noble profession , so intimately connected with the great events of life , should have made her so petty-minded .
19 However , the UCTA is so intimately connected with the process of negotiation and drafting in the areas covered by the next four chapters that , as a preliminary to detailed analysis of the precedents , it was felt essential to lay out the principles contained in the UCTA and discuss their application in the light of the case law that has evolved in the 15 years or so since the UCTA came into effect .
20 After being so intimately associated with Christ and hearing his parables of the Kingdom and private commentary interpreting those stories , his disciples still expected the Kingdom to come in the material and nationalistic terms of the Old Testament ( Acts 1:6 ) .
21 Similarly , a blouse which is purchased from a shop as an alienable commodity may then become so intimately associated with a particular individual that it may not even be borrowed by a sibling , After some time , however , the object may lose this close association , becoming , as jumble , an alienable commodity once again .
22 For one corporeal hereditament to fall within the curtilage of another the former must be so intimately associated with the latter as to lead to the conclusion that the former in truth forms part and parcel of the latter ( Methuen-Campbell v Walters ) .
23 A middle-class female psychologist , studying working-class women , affects these women differently from the way she would a middle-class female sample , where the investigation would be less powerfully connected with social surveillance and intervention .
24 They were still doing jobs at that were long since dispensed with at you know , marshalling and that and methods that adopted and the shunting techniques .
25 However , by the time the war ended BMK had long since finished with blankets ( after they had produced 2.5 million ) and had turned to engineering .
26 What the Aplysia group needed was some process in their favoured animal which could be unequivocally recognized as long-term memory and whose circuitry could be studied in a similar manner to that they had so effectively employed with the short-term processes ; hence the attention paid in the early 1980s to finding an analogue of classical conditioning of the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex .
27 Further , such displacements of non-sexual fears on to the sexual deviant , be he or she actual , imagined , or constituted in and by the displacement , are made possible because other kinds of transgression — political , religious — are not only loosely associated with the sexual deviant , but ‘ condensed ’ in the very definition of deviance .
28 Our most important finding , however , was that age was only weakly associated with mortality , even after adjustment for the severity of comorbid conditions .
29 " What makes the history of England so eminently valuable , " wrote T. H. Buckle , " is that nowhere else has the national progress been so little interfered with , either for good or evil . "
30 The seller can still choose to market the product in a very focused area — as was so successfully done with the " four-walling " concept for marketing movie films .
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