Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd forgotten about the way it flickered before it came on properly and made a noise .
2 Right right right right and does he live locally ?
3 Right right and giving things away .
4 The sexes differed perhaps most conspicuously when voting for felines , and only the tiger attracted roughly equal proportions of votes from both sexes .
5 And the windows we shall put in here are the type of windows called a fenestral which are made of linen and I 'll show you one of those later on rather than explain it now .
6 Secondary school classes have also grown , with more pupils staying on rather than face the dole queue .
7 However , the market took the news rather badly and cut the price of the existing STC share by 34p on the day of announcement .
8 This will mean that funding will go where it is most needed locally rather than according to a set of priorities determined in Whitehall .
9 Syl 's mother disapproved of this most bitterly and rebuked me for waste .
10 ‘ One of the things we have been working on is getting men back behind the ball , ’ he said and when Stanger did just that in retrieving a kick-ahead from Nadroga , Nicol , Appleson ( twice ) and Turnbull , too , made sure the winger was not in isolation , for Ian Corcoran to boot on delicately and claim a grand try , Appleson converting .
11 ‘ One of the things we have been working on is getting men back behind the ball , ’ he said and when Stanger did just that in retrieving a kick-ahead from Nadroga , Nicol , Appleson ( twice ) and Turnbull , too , made sure the winger was not in isolation , for Ian Corcoran to boot on delicately and claim a grand try , Appleson converting .
12 Jonathan looked on appreciatively and filled his own glass with orange juice .
13 Although they will grow on successfully when put out into the garden in spring or summer , the flowers you get in future years may well turn pink if you are not on an acid soil .
14 So the practice has been to regard them rather unofficially as having been satisfied if there is compliance on about … three occasions out of four , or four out of five , or two out of three — practices are variable from one authority to another .
15 She smiled rather grimly and said farewell .
16 The whole of the party were in excellent health and had well tried each others stamina in walking up mountains etc. etc. but having so many interesting objects in view they had allowed no difficulty or danger to impede their progress .
17 Alcester therefore resembles a minority of other small towns which lie beside rather than athwart main roads , such as Dorn ( p. 253 ) .
18 Although controversial , and greatly disliked by the judiciary , this is clearly intended to divert petty persistent offenders away from custody by ruling out custodial penalties for such offenders altogether rather than allowing them to ‘ progress up the tariff ’ .
19 Until the manner in which such goods are dispersed within regions is better understood we can only assume , at present , that places with very high consumption are also the points of distribution where a paramount controlled such prestige exchange , consuming most locally and allowing the passage of a little to other places .
20 During a bright moon , headlights were kept off — otherwise they remained on only when driving on the road alone .
21 ‘ My husband came out to see what was wrong , and a very authoritative voice shouted : ‘ Get back inside , please , immediately ; right inside and close the door ’ . ’
22 The better-known Cabinet Ministers moved in a stately fashion as if speed of foot might trample accidentally a party worker bent upon homage ; better to tread slowly so as to receive fittingly the admiration of many .
23 In travelling around Australia I soon found out there was not too much of my kind of thing — little enough that feel within my category of the picturesque .
24 ‘ But there is no need to make that kind of mistake , ’ he said rather obscurely and left the room with a springy step .
25 Attracting the best possible talent and developing a team of people who can work really effectively together and restore the fortunes of the organisation is a particular province of the executive search consultant .
26 If we want to do something badly enough and set about it seriously it is staggering how much help just seems to fall our way .
27 When Jess holds the ball , looking for men to beat , the truly hooked observer is caught in that exquisite dilemma of wishing he 'd get rid of it so as not to risk failure , while at the same time hoping he 'll carry on regardless and do something outrageous .
28 And so that and , and this is how erm states , countries actually learn to get on together and trust each other .
29 He sent for a pallium for the new archbishop , Eanbald ( 1 ) , in 780 or 781 ( ASC D , s.a. 780 ) and in 786 received the papal legate , George , bishop of Ostia , who had come to York to inquire into the state of the Northumbrian Church , at a council attended by all the chief men , ecclesiastical and lay , in the kingdom , when the legate pronounced on much that displeased him .
30 I muttered thanks and as she disappeared to the kitchen I stepped up to the sitting room door , knocked rather timidly and entered .
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