Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 A further four cases , mentioned on only one day , also had an acquittal outcome .
2 I saw her on only one day twenty-two years ago : I have thought of her every day since ; not as a lover of course ( for years past ) but as a spirit apart , unlike anyone else that ever was …
3 Today he was very much alive … although not high kicking , he does n't do that so much these days .
4 So in some states it 's sixteen , in some states it 's eighteen , in some states twenty one er and Reagan thought it would be quite a good idea if they had uniformity across America er in which , you know , that they would raise the drinking age to twenty one er and this would then er reduce the incidence of teenage drunk driving and if you 've ever been in an American bar you will know you 're very often funnily enough they do n't ask me so much these days but you 're very often asked to prove your age , you know , er and you have to produce your driver 's licence and all the rest of it erm and so he increasing
5 Oh I think so because it must be an awful shock for the girl to go round the screen and they 're faced with a coloured although they do n't bother so much these days do they ?
6 I know it goes underground , but it does n't seem to so much these days .
7 No , mind you it might be so , so long each day
8 Perhaps this will be the incentive to win in only three days to earn that precious day off !
9 ‘ I was only away four days and that included the weekend . ’
10 The River Charwell burst its banks in Banbury after a months rain fell in just two days .
11 More than 100 people have already been caught speeding in just 2 days .
12 She did n't mean to cry , but tears came so easily these days , and it was so difficult to stop .
13 They are always popular stocking-fillers , especially for those who are keen to re-live younger and perhaps more vibrant days .
14 er is not a possibility of having more open days so that general public can come in to see what 's happening and not only advertise in Harlow but advertise I live in Bishop 's Stortford now in the surrounding districts erm time gets although you said you get fifty per cent of people coming from outside of Harlow it does n't matter where the people come from as long as they come so more open days free erm to get people to come in and er particularly er outside people also I would suggest that the er chairman 's of the local district council 's who are not contributing be invited to the open day to see what er the playhouse is doing for the people who live in there er council area 's to see whether we can get some more supports er as a Stortford resident I 'd be quite happy to add a bit on my community charge to go to the playhouse . .
15 I 'm glad young people do n't have to go to work so early these days , but for many of my generation , it was the accepted way of life , and most of them were happy in it .
16 Fen had n't even bothered to come with her , Robbie brooded indignantly much later that day .
17 ‘ The balls fly so far these days that Hell 's been taken out of play .
18 When [ in 1990 ] the Cincinnati Contemporary Art Center and its director were indicted in the Mapplethorpe case and needed money for their defence , we raised about $50,000 for them in about two days .
19 Tests show that , after a slow beginning , availability of the nutrients rises to a peak in about 80 days and then tails off with the potash being held late , when it is needed .
20 I 'll be back in about 10 days .
21 Experiments and modern calculations suggest that the Sutton Hoo type boat could average a speed of 3 knots for little more than six hours , so that a crossing of the North Sea from Holland to East Anglia could have been achieved in about 14 days , although if sails were available the time would be considerably less ( Green 1963 ) .
22 The fit and competent should cross the 360 kilometres in about seven days .
23 It is already apparent to us that she has no emotional link with the child ; she is indeed now only anxious to return to her own work , which she will do in about ten days ' time . ’
24 It was a polite invitation to a morning party at the minister 's house in Bath Street , to take place on a Saturday , in about ten days ' time .
25 Winter savory can be grown from seed sown outdoors in August ; it should not be covered as it needs light to germinate when it will then sprout in about ten days .
26 New Year 's Eve , in about ten days ' time .
27 ‘ Advertisers were pretty willing , even though the recession has hit clerical outfitters — vicars tend to change their black shirts less often these days . ’
28 But now that I think further about it , I am not sure Miss Kenton spoke quite so boldly that day .
29 After a great deal of pressure exerted upon him by Dempsey and others , the husband agreed to guarantee the indebtedness on the Dempsey accounts for a limited period said to be ‘ only about four days , ’ and to secure this by a charge on his house in favour of the bank .
30 The whole eruption probably lasted only about 100 days , but was long accepted as being responsible for the destruction of the Minoan civilisation on Crete , 60 miles away .
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