Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] had n't " in BNC.

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1 I 'd forgotten there was a new pair in the wardrobe with , still with the labels on I had n't taken off .
2 If only I had n't had that last cup of hot chocolate .
3 ‘ If only I had n't called it off she might still be here . ’
4 If only I had n't said this , that or the other .
5 ‘ I was going to be a kennel-maid , ’ said Camille , ‘ only I had n't quite decided . ’
6 ‘ Damn , if only I had n't had that wine and walked home — well , the man 's a fool .
7 I said she could have taken a degree in her spare time in th she 's only she 's not yet forty I said that 's absolute rubbish I said th the world is full of these damn women going around saying , if only I had n't had children I could have been Lord Chief Justice of England , I said , it is n't true !
8 Perhaps I had n't been shot .
9 Obviously I had n't had enough to drink . )
10 Well , I I was fairly new in the company myself so I had n't worked for his father for long before took over the managership or chairmanship or whatever he is , so I I 'm really not too sure about the whole thing but certainly for a quarry manager or quarry director or owner , he did n't really know the slate as well as the workers , and he was expecting things out of his workers and the slate , the product , that were really just not on .
11 she said it 's a lot cheaper and easier , so I had n't got the springs at that time
12 But she saw his lips move and her eyes fixed on them , for suddenly she had n't the courage to look into his eyes .
13 She had felt much the same herself of late , restless , needing to work off that restlessness , only she had n't had the same opportunities to indulge herself .
14 Apparently you had n't . ’
15 " I thought perhaps you had n't enough money .
16 Perhaps you had n't even identified them properly …
17 Or perhaps you had n't noticed ? ’
18 You have a great movie here if only you had n't miscast the lead . ’
19 I ca n't stop singing that now , if only you had n't of said that
20 So she had n't mentioned Gilbert 's phone call about Amy being alive on Saturday evening or Amy 's talk of a box .
21 er after they got so you had n't got no more life in them we used to weld short bits onto .
22 When she 'd first moved in she had n't cared about anything , certainly not her surroundings — they had been the least of her problems — and if the villagers had n't so kindly donated her furnishings she 'd probably still be existing in empty rooms .
23 And I can only really regret with er with hindsight that er we as a District Council did n't pursue our point er more vigorously , erm as our general approach to these matters is er to cooperate as far as we possibly can rather than enter into conflict , and I think that perhaps we had n't given as much emphasis to er the er our views as we ought to have done .
24 You know this K L M deal , so obviously we had n't got under the finger until called me in almost desperation
25 If only we had n't cut down those trees the view would be better .
26 And so we had n't sent them .
27 At about the same time as the State Department was receiving this cable from their most senior man on the spot , Secretary of State Byrnes was cabling the Paris embassy that the French were planning to reconquer Tonkin and might set up a puppet government ; while in Hanoi the French commander , General Morlière , was claiming that the US and Chinese consuls had denounced the ‘ criminal and bestial folly ’ of the Vietminh ; although apparently they had n't said a word one way or the other .
28 But perhaps they had n't cared enough ?
29 Perhaps they had n't wanted her to see .
30 You would have thought some of them had n't eaten for days , but then perhaps they had n't .
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