Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] it seem " in BNC.

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1 The garden doors , splintered with age , were so low it seemed that only children were meant to enter .
2 I ca n't remember , it was so awful it seemed a lifetime , why do you endlessly bother me , why do you carp so ? ’
3 The grass is so dry it seems impossible that it can ever come to life again : yet the huge acacia trees along the riverbed are putting out blossom , delicate sprigs of green in anticipation of the rains to come .
4 The scenery was so vast it seemed they were n't moving at all .
5 The Sussex is very like the Devon in type , performance and character but bigger , less ‘ tidy ’ and more of a very deep chestnut-brown in colour , often so dark it seems almost blood-black .
6 The more mythological growth hacked through , the less likely it seems that a clearing will ever be reached .
7 The wind was cutting across the open space at great speed , so cold it seemed to penetrate his bones .
8 You kept so busy it seems a waste of time to ask you what your social life was like as a student nurse ?
9 The more it cried , the more they wanted to leave it , and the less safe it seemed to leave it .
10 It had been so vivid it seemed real , yet had she really been idiot enough to set out on a rough sea in a mere dinghy ?
11 You 're so efficient it seems strange you have n't mastered the art of the dumpling .
12 that 's my fear coming , that 's what makes me run away from her , I was so scared it seems to be either come like , what you call ?
13 There were tall gleaming candlesticks , a glittering cross so bright it seemed to burn , and an enormous golden eagle with hooked beak and shiny dangerous eye .
14 And the harder we try to recall it , the more elusive it seems to become .
15 The larger a programme 's audience or a paper 's readership , the more likely it seems that the content must in general be enjoyed , else why the large audience ?
16 Moreover , unless Hugh is wildly inaccurate it seems to have gone beyond the simple quarrel between abbot and flock described by the Ramsey source .
17 How absurd it seemed — that they had been worried about Therese in Zarewitsch .
18 I was saying how odd it seemed to me that you did n't park your car in the twenty-minute car-park . ’
19 She wrote , ‘ You ca n't imagine how strange it seemed to be journeying thus , without any visible cause for progress other than the magical machine , with its flying white breath and rhythmical , unvarying pace … ‘
20 Stapleton brought the Leeward Islands together again by 1682 and the Codrington family managed to keep them united until after the end of the seventeenth century , but the general tendency to fragment into separate colonies seemed irresistible to people on the islands , no matter how foolish it seemed to British administrators who saw them as tiny communities that on a map of the world looked very close together .
21 ‘ The Great Gatsby ’ ends more hopefully , despite Gatsby 's death , with the thought that no matter how impossible it seems to reach something , you must keep on trying to get it and maybe one day you will .
22 How extraordinary it seemed that he and Rufus had stood in front of that picture and laughed at it !
23 Tension eases with the passage of time , no matter how unbearable it seems at the outset .
24 There nevertheless remain some aspects of the scheme which demonstrate how difficult it seems to be for government to jettison the original ideas of the Beveridge Report ; for example , the Invalid Care Allowance ( ICA ) , which was introduced as recently as 1976 , is not payable to married women on the grounds that they are likely to be at home anyway and hence not in need of compensation for giving up paid work in order to care for a chronically sick person in their household ( Groves and Finch , 1983 ) ; the tax system ( which is not under detailed discussion here ) still assumes that all men need an additional allowance to help pay for the cost of ‘ keeping ’ a wife .
25 Opaque white mist pressed up against the glass , obscuring the outside world , and it was born on her how silent it seemed .
26 How jarring it seemed then that , at the consecration , reference had necessarily to be made to the man Jesus of Nazareth : he had to take centre stage .
27 Not even a little bit — no matter how tempting it seems . ’
28 It does n't matter what the conversation is about : however inconsequential it seems , treat it as though all of it is important .
29 Sue insisted that we take her telephone number and told us that we should feel able to ring her at any time , day or night , with any problem , however trivial it seemed .
30 FACT ONE : It can get to you , however silly it seems 90 per cent of the time .
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