Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] because they " in BNC.

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1 Cutter-bar and rotary mowers are rather unsuitable because they leave the swathe lying in the direction of cut with heads and butts mixed ; it is then difficult to pick up , sort , and bind the sheaves .
2 Black Orcs are the most reliable because they are not affected by animosity and they have an extra point of leadership over both Big'uns and ordinary Orcs .
3 Usually screamingly conspicuous because they 're such a new , unfamiliar concept for most tourists .
4 No but of course James and Danny ma erm and thingmajig find it incredibly funny because they 're incredibly thick and they have no sense of humour at all .
5 Upright cabinets are the most popular because they take up less floor space .
6 When there , when you say a union , what do you mean a union in a true sense of the word , or do you mean an organisation , which is something va vastly different because they way your , they way your saying this to me , this does n't sound like a union at all .
7 Yes a row of houses and of course when I saw I looked out the door and there was this plane swooping down like that and it seemed so low because they were aiming an and the bomb fell in the cattle market and , and I threw myself on to the stone floor , you see , and er and presently one of the ambulance men came round to my office door and he said , are you alright ?
8 ‘ Sailors were the élite , ’ Daniel Farson observes ; ‘ guardsmen were less popular because they were known to be out for the money . ’
9 The term ‘ deeds of family arrangement ’ is not now quite so appropriate because they are increasingly used as tax-planning vehicles , and they will continue to be effective unless the Government repeals those provisions in the Inheritance Tax Act 1984 that permit the variations .
10 There was some recognition by planners that schools would provide particularly vulnerable targets , especially dangerous because they contained a high concentration of glass .
11 These cultures , viewed as being more outward-looking and less insular because they had very early on been maritime powers , were referred to as ‘ blue ’ cultures .
12 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
13 No , no , you were only honest because they made you be honest .
14 Many of their pees are much less visible because they are cares trapped at home or are struggling to make ends meet .
15 It 's going to be all so smooth because they 've had three hour training .
16 Nor does anyone else , thought Sara ; why does everyone think they 're so unusual because they never forget a face ?
17 They were Thin Lizzy 's actual guitar amps from a hire firm , and they just sounded so good because they were just so beaten up you could just feel them when you played . ’
18 For Wolfenden , these special circumstances were defined as the ‘ provision of sufficient safeguards against exploitation and corruption of others who are especially vulnerable because they are young , weak in body or mind , inexperienced or in a state of special physical , official or economic dependence ’ .
19 Farmworkers are especially vulnerable because they 're isolated and if they 're working alone they do n't have any support , working in ones and twos on a remote hillside.Some do n't even feel they can dare to approach a union .
20 What is rarely stated openly but constantly implied is that the younger generation should be less negative because they know better ; they are university educated men .
21 Detachments are extremely useful because they enable you to field a small unit without the high cost of providing a hero to boost its leadership value .
22 And with the war ending the the Germans had had to pay reparations and that factory and many more were extremely busy because they were making lace machines for France .
23 ‘ The Americans are so jealous because they have n't got a Royal Family of their own .
24 The fat men : were they less fat because they were smaller , and so you needed less stomach to appear fat ; or were they more fat , because they developed the same stomachs , but had even less frame to support them ?
25 Catholics are only angry because they feel threatened and so there must be some strength and force in what she is trying to say .
26 Despite these drawbacks the mid-year estimates undoubtedly provide an invaluable source and Champion ( 1987 ) concludes that for monitoring population change in England and Wales between 1971 and 1981 they may well be superior to the census ; Scottish estimates , however , he considers less accurate because they were not revised in the light of 1981 census results .
27 But besides the falls I 've just mentioned there are many more falls and forces like Cotter Force , Catrigg Force and Scaleber Force which , perhaps because they are a little less accessible , are visited by far fewer people , although they are also arguably less impressive because they do n't fall as far or there are n't as many of them .
28 Although pressed flowers are basically only two-dimensional because they have been flattened , it is quite possible to use several of the thicker ones to build up a good three-dimensional effect .
29 Although the case was ‘ exceptional ’ , due to the size of the financial crash , and a careful balance between the administrators ' reasonable needs and the oppression of the addressee was necessary , applications were not necessarily unreasonable because they were inconvenient to the addressee , caused a lot of work or made them vulnerable to future claims .
30 The following figures are culled from the Judicial Statistics for 1989 , and relate to the Queen 's Bench Division : Clearly these figures are not entirely comparable because they relate to cases at different stages in the procedure .
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