Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] see [that] " in BNC.

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1 Now I 'm against that and I 'm therefore against I regret to say what the Noble Lord , Lord said , and I 'm extremely sorry to see that he has moved on this particular matter er because th there is no case , that has been really made out for this .
2 I 'm extremely sad to see that the price for glass has gone down by five pounds a ton which results in the er the income from the recycling of glass being halved .
3 I was suddenly startled to see that we were entering the town of Knock .
4 Physically and erm emotionally writing can be very isolating and so , for example a few years ago , I was writing a huge piece on Africa about Africa and I found emotions growing that I actually did n't have names for , erm and it made it impossible to finish the piece I was working on , and then I , I went to see an Afro Asian exhibition of art and I saw portraying some of these paintings the same emotions and it , it did n't give me a name for the emotions but it , it made me feel an awful lot less isolated seeing that erm other people have also , have also felt this .
5 And what we 've done now , and with colleagues from Germany , is to take cores off north west Africa , say about twenty metres down into the sediment , we sample them in the lab here and took the small amounts of sediment and examined them for these long chain compounds and we were extremely excited to see that as we went down this core , back through the last few hundred thousand years , we could see our signal on sea surface temperature oscillating about roughly in the same way that er has been found with other methods of getting at the past history of the climate .
6 It is very difficult to provide identical conditions for the measurement of six different forms of instruction , therefore it is not entirely surprising to see that Baldwin and Rudolph found , in contrast to Kuo 's results , when comparing a tape/slide show and a library tour , that the former was not necessarily superior as a method of instruction .
7 This was the proper enterprise of the loving wife , to defend her man ; the men performed their acts of authority and occupied the seats of visible influence , but you did n't have to be especially keen-eyed to see that behind the card-players and the drinkers , the officials in their pompous uniforms , the clerks with their mounds of bureaucratic forms , the farmers and the peasants , women were standing .
8 In the United States , however , it is precisely because churches are so full , and wealthy , that it is not easy to see that in fact secularisation in the form of ‘ laicisation ’ has gripped the church by the throat .
9 It is not hard to see that in Homage to Sextus Propertius Pound is centrally concerned with just this question , and is defending his own scale of priorities against Hewlett 's or Newbolt 's .
10 She was much too busy darting glances at Alain and then at Jenna and it was not hard to see that she had detected a certain restraint in the atmosphere .
11 I must admit I 'm mildly pleased to see that the ben Issachar rash still plagues her .
12 It is not difficult to see that a smallholding can not support a large mortgage as well as a family !
13 It is not difficult to see that the … power and extent of the growth of the productive forces , have reached their highest point in precisely the United States .
14 It was the smart thing to do down Hollywood , but it is not difficult to see that the venom and enjoyment that went into those attacks of the 1920s tell us more about the social values of elites and in particular of intellectuals than they do about movies as such .
15 On closer inspection , however , it is not difficult to see that this is a rather mild counter-movement , one of those smaller eddies that spring up again and again from the many-layered structure of historical change within every stage of more comprehensive processes .
16 Now it is not difficult to see that ( a , b ) = b , r1 ) ( exercise 13 ) and that similarly
17 It 's fairly clear when you would use a book or an Overhead Projector or a magazine picture in your teaching and it 's not difficult to see that video makes a different contribution .
18 It is not difficult to see that in understanding such an exchange we make a great number of detailed ( pragmatic ) inferences about the nature of the context in which ( 32 ) can be assumed to be taking place .
19 It is , therefore , perhaps not surprising to see that many of the evaluation studies described in the library literature give accounts of the evaluation of specific methods and media which have been used in library instruction rather than evaluation of programmes of instruction .
20 Amiss was not surprised to see that all the members — even the residents — had separate tables .
21 He looked up and she was mildly surprised to see that he had a youthful Middle Eastern complexion .
22 It is further easy to see that there is no necessary connection between subsidy-free prices and Ramsey-optional prices .
23 In other words , although a lot is said about " silent letters " , it 's more helpful to see that almost all words have " silent letters " in a sense , and that they are n't silent at all , but are attempts originally to symbolise regional or personal differences in pronunciation .
24 Also , below the surface among the grass-roots leadership , it was usually plain to see that the party was scraping the barrel for competent politicians .
25 Granpa clapped so loud as I returned to my place that some of the mums looked round and smiled , which made the old fellow even more determined to see that I stayed on at school until I was fourteen .
26 Maybe so , though it is still nice to see that principles still count for something , particularly when it comes to refusing to buy something you already own or turning that hand-out of shares over to a deserving charity at the expense of an easy-come , easy-go profit .
27 It is most curious to see that you have so much time on your hands that you are able to simply wander about this house bothering others with gratuitous comments . ’
28 There could be no doubt of Sidney 's perturbation ; he looked anxiously at his wife and was clearly relieved to see that she appeared unconcerned .
29 She was also amused to see that Comfort was shaking his hand and even inviting him to share their table .
30 It is horrifyingly plain to see that the Mondays are in a tragic state , and the excellent photographs highlight this tragedy .
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