Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that the " in BNC.

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1 I could n't wait to get to grips with the famous putter and was duly grateful that the Friday afternoon traffic was reasonably light , with fewer than usual kamikaze lorry drivers about .
2 It seems rather strange that the accuracy for navigating/surveying now , by state of the art technology , is of the same order as has been used to set down the Circles of Time several thousand years ago .
3 Ah yeah , I , I would think myself that I was also , er rather sorry that the boy doing had just shown how silly they
4 Waddell is most emphatic that the old man was neither blindfolded nor gagged .
5 There is no space here to examine this issue in detail , but it is at least a little odd that the work of such pragmatic theorists as Grice , Horn , Levinson and Sperber and Wilson , which has been successful in many areas and which has also cast serious doubt on speech-act-based approaches , is never mentioned in a book which explicitly claims the superiority of Austinian approaches .
6 It 's rather interesting that the only two management er training courses I did last year , were er stress management and time management and I seem to cocked them both up
7 It is wholly acceptable that the patient should have been persuaded by others of the merits of such a decision and have decided accordingly .
8 In the four books which Ransome set in East Anglia , the geographical details are so specific that the books can be used as accurate guides to the appropriate parts of Norfolk , Suffolk and Essex .
9 Says Renate Olins , director of the London Marriage Guidance Council , ‘ It 's entirely understandable that the innocent party is wracked with feelings of such vehemence and passion that she may not know what to do with them . ’
10 She was only sorry that the brief formal note which had arrived from the Palazzo granting her an interview of no more than ninety minutes ' duration had stipulated that photographs would not be permitted .
11 I am glad that the hon. Gentleman and I agree that there should be a discount for single people — I am only sorry that the Labour party continues to insist that we should return to a rating system in which single people would have to pay through the nose , as they did before .
12 Even so , it took all his self-control not to lose his temper with Madge Grimsilk , for Therese , in the dark sapphire Rosa Ponselle gown , studded all over with flashing blue stones and with the huge peacock train spreading out behind her , was outstanding , so outstanding that the rest of the cast , pleased with their own designs but quick to recognize a ‘ star ’ outfit , burst into a little patter of applause .
13 It is highly possible that the Wandjina image inscribed by these visitors from across the sea is a direct transposition from the Indian Spectacled Cobra 's hood markings , which constituted the symbol of well-being or balance used by Hindu or Buddhist spiritual teachers whose totem was that same animal — a legacy of the ancient Nagas .
14 The silence was so total that the auditorium might have been empty .
15 Yes , but it seemed so odd that the door was standing open .
16 The plane flew up the fjord , which seemed so narrow that the mountains were on both wing tips at the same time .
17 Novell is so rich that the Unix acquisition is relatively small potatoes .
18 For a moment or two she sat watching a breeze ruffle the calm surface of the hotel pool — the bright blue water was so inviting that the moment you got out you wanted to get straight back in again .
19 But when the Central Policy Review Staff ( the ‘ Think Tank ’ ) had suggested in the early eighties that they mount a full-scale investigation into the practices and abuses of the professions , they discovered that the influence of the lawyers upon Number 10 was so strong that the proposal was sat upon and then returned , with a suggestion they confine themselves to teachers and social workers .
20 If the focus process suggests one candidate in an earlier ‘ batch ’ than another , we can say that it is imposing a strong preference between those candidates ; so strong that the second one will only be considered at all if the reasoner decides the first is completely implausible .
21 The resistance to devolution was so strong that the government was forced to accept that the bills should be ratified by referenda .
22 Eventually , when the star has shrunk to a certain critical radius , the gravitational field at the surface becomes so strong that the light cones are bent inward so much that light can no longer escape ( Fig. 6.1 ) .
23 The concentration of the cast was so strong that the mood was well maintained .
24 Those belonging to Pan American were called Clippers ; they flew the Pacific and the Atlantic and , when storms were violent , they flew so low that the spray from the waves broke over the aircraft .
25 However , the number of people who return to education once they have left school or college is so low that the age of finishing full-time education is often used as a simple indicator .
26 The Montgomerie family finances continued on their downwards spiral until , in 1925 , they were so low that the contents of Eglinton Castle had to be auctioned off , including the suit of armour bought by the 13th Earl for the Tournament .
27 The lintel is so low that the only man who can enter is the man who is down on his knees .
28 Life expectancy is so low that the average life span of men just before we got here ( in the last quarter of the seventeenth century ) was 29.6 years .
29 Yet the All Black confidence and ability to dominate had sunk so low that the three minnows all had parts of the match when they outplayed the All Blacks with embarrassing ease .
30 Now gradually the energy level is so low that the in although the insulin level is there , there 's no sugar for it to work with , so now your casualty will start showing signs of too little sugar .
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