Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [vb past] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This made me aware of how badly I 'd done with the domestic arrangements .
2 The most I 'd allowed myself to see of the inside of that room during his three months at Sleet was himself half naked ruled into a margin of light .
3 ‘ Until then the most I had done was two or three costumes at a budget of £50 .
4 Luckily I had run off a faint quality copy ( like this letter ) to economise on ink cartridge use as cartridges £14 or so each .
5 Luckily I had taken them off . ’
6 Luckily I had learnt French very well at Lowood , and had no difficulty in communicating with young Adèle , a pretty , cheerful child .
7 But Sally was so good , Luckily I 'd remembered to pack the Farley 's Rusks and she had those mixed up with boiled water the guard got for me from the restaurant car . ’
8 Luckily I 'd thought it out before .
9 Luckily I 'd had some speed earlier : when I was on blues I could get through anything .
10 I was one of her props though eventually I got moved into the backs because I was so good looking ! ’
11 Instinctively I had carried with me my heavy medical case ; perhaps I might need it .
12 At first I was too busy writing research reports and later on I had become completely engrossed in purely human studies .
13 No , even with my gardening gloves on I got nettled when I was pulling at around that honeysu
14 The lines led off to somewhere I 'd begun
15 Somewhere I had read that a gentleman is one who never causes pain ; perhaps I was trying to be a gentleman .
16 ‘ You 'd rather I 'd done it behind his back ? ’
17 So the flooding had not been from the lake — which hitherto I had assumed to be the case ; maybe it had come from the river whose bed , now dried , I had seen from my eminence on the hillside .
18 Suddenly I felt detached from the baby .
19 This is , I 've got my from school , it says , I was shopping in town looking at some clothes when , suddenly I got pulled back from one of the , the changing room .
20 So I put away my little brown bottle of herbal remedies , turned my back upon much I had learned at the Centre , and before leaving for Hungary and all that forbidden goulash , took three quite definite steps .
21 Apparently I had windmilled in at a quarter to ten , with three bottles of champagne , all of which I dropped in one catastrophic juggle .
22 No apparently I 'd gone in the bog , I was n't feeling bad or anything .
23 Apparently I 'd chosen to pee up against a police station , so they took me inside , and told me off , and of course I apologized .
24 Especially I 'd got my comfort-dream .
25 ‘ You had deliberately led me to believe that you 'd picked up a stranger in Bruges , and naturally I had assumed him to be a Belgian . ’
26 If only I 'd gone along with the doctor 's proposals , it would have been over by now — completely and painlessly over , and any feelings of guilt I might have had as a result I would surely have dealt with ages ago .
27 I saw now what I 'd known all the time , only I 'd hidden it craftily from myself because it did n't fit in with what I wanted to do , that Terry and I had no basis for a love-affair ; we were friends who happened to be attracted to each other physically , which was far from enough , and by thinking it was enough we 'd gone against the very nature of our relationship .
28 Here , where I could 've done better , if only I 'd understood , if only he 'd helped me ; if only this , if only that .
29 ‘ If only I 'd recognized the signs of Bubbleshake contamination when I met him .
30 ‘ If only I 'd met you a year ago . ’
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