Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I always thought you went along Kinghorn Ness and found the body below you and then had it raised by ropes . ’
2 ‘ Get it down you and perhaps we can both get some sleep .
3 we there er easier to say when you 've got erm a bit of drift down you as well .
4 Well get it down you as well .
5 Not only you but also your teenager will benefit from such honesty .
6 That 's the , that 's the key point that and were making , that only you or only the dreamer can interpret their own dreams .
7 It 's like just ticking them off , and surprisingly all this knowledge will build up inside you until eventually you know what you 're talking about and once you know what you 're talking about it breeds confidence , and once you 're confident , it transmits itself to the people you 're talking to , and they like it , because you know what you 're talking about , and that leads to sales .
8 Eventually , no matter how much you and even neighbours clear , there will be big colonies of rabbits left unculled .
9 only him and then he said you know
10 We separated , and as soon as I got into a side street , I went down it and there at the bottom was Cuttle 's Bakehouse .
11 Well there used to be just me but then they 've employed another one and we were so fed up with being on nights that we said look , I 'm afraid we 've had enough of this , you know so she I said to her how about you allocate us each to a ward you see
12 ‘ It 's not me that fucking owes it . ’
13 Not Connie , not me and certainly not anybody in Washington .
14 Mirror , mirror on the wall who was the fairest of them all , well okay not me and maybe not you either , but it does n't stop us trying does it ?
15 They 're watching over you as well . ’
16 And when you 've jumped over me , I jump over you and then you jump over me
17 In the army you know what 's what , who 's above you and below you , so to speak , and that status is authority-based .
18 Not you as well . ’
19 Meanwhile they and nearly all other levels below them in geographical terms were condemned to use the rapidly inflating old notes .
20 Over the years , a good many bouncers have been sent down and several batsmen have been injured , especially around the head ; this is because , unlike most of his colleagues , his bouncers usually go through at head height rather than above it and so are particularly awkward .
21 The theme of an it-structure is not It but rather the element which occurs after the verb to be .
22 Her moral responsibilities are not ours and therefore nor are her rights commensurate .
23 Clive Greenacre , then expressing only his own anger and not hers as well , became less irritable .
24 You talk about the classless society and then his next step is to make Dennis Thatcher a Baronet , that , if I may say , is a media non-sequitur if ever I if ever I heard it .
25 So whenever you see people who 're not quite like you and maybe there 's something about their workstyle that you do n't like think about it this way .
26 The two figures have been kind of squelched together just as in , in Exodus there are two , sorry in erm in er Genesis there are two er Garden of Eden stories so they claim there are two Moses figures who have been erm as it were compounded together , but both of them says Freud were powerful religious leaders and they probably did give their followers moral principles , perhaps not exactly as we have but something very like it and so Freud is not sceptical about that .
27 Jackson Pollock was driven by a despair which was partly his and partly that of the culture which nourished him , to refuse this act of faith : to insist , with all his brilliance as a painter , that there was nothing behind , that there was only that which was done to the canvas on the side facing us .
28 Probably you as well , Sir , ’ I replied , ‘ Your own trench is just over the wall in Brigade H.Q ’ He glared up at me and before he could say anything I beat a hasty retreat .
29 Both he and Amiss had spent a considerable time comforting Sunil , who had been throwing up on and off for over an hour .
30 Chamberlain provided the way out by suggesting to Balcarres that both he and Long should withdraw and so allow Law to be elected unanimously ; he also turned down Balcarres 's remarkable advice that he should allow Long to be elected since Long would make such a mess of things that Chamberlain would be bound to succeed within the year .
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