Example sentences of "[adv] [art] house of " in BNC.

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1 This refusal to fit in with the system continued when he returned to London , having jumped ship after a series of incidents — chopping down the house of someone 's aunt ; being technical supervisor on a failed bank robbery — had made him somewhat too conspicuous to the New Zealand authorities .
2 Now that really might bring down the House of Windsor .
3 On the flickering screen the wicked wolf tried his best to blow down the house of the three little pigs .
4 What is wholly unacceptable is the denial of justice to the great majority of citizens who are not poor enough to qualify for legal aid but not rich enough to risk the costs of litigating an important public law issue in the High Court , the Court of Appeal , and perhaps the House of Lords .
5 In deference to democracy , and if time permitted , perhaps the House of Commons as a whole might elect the new Prime Minister .
6 And so the House of Industry became the workhouse for the whole union ; it remained the property of the Board of Directors , who let the building and the front garden to the Poor Law Guardians for £280 per annum .
7 Thus far it can be argued that , if and in so far as the objection to the validity of a pretended Act of Parliament is purely procedural , there is no objection to any court ( and not merely the House of Lords ) making such minimal inquiries as are consistent with Parliamentary privilege in order to ensure that the instrument in question was consented to by the two Houses and did receive the Royal Assent .
8 Only the House of Lords , acting as the Supreme Court of Appeal , has the right to depart from its own previous decisions ; and this right would be exercised only in unusual and exceptional circumstances .
9 But Gallagher does not decide this and only a House of Lords judgment on the point can resolve the uncertainty .
10 ‘ Captain Carter , let me remind you that this Priory , of which I am in charge , is not only a house of God , it is a place where we attend to the sick and the dying .
11 It 's literally a house of love !
12 Mr Justice Hoffman said in the High Court that he had decided to suspend judgment until he knew how soon the House of Lords was likely to hear an appeal against an order forcing Mr William Goodwin , aged 23 , who works on the Engineer magazine , to reveal confidential information .
13 It was thus the house of Clicquot which placed the production of Champagne on a more sophisticated level than that of other sparkling wines .
14 Michael Cole , the media director for the House of Fraser , said on March 7 , 1990 , that the report was inept and prejudiced , while on the same day Sir Edward Du Cann , chairman of Lonrho ( which had itself desired to take over the House of Fraser ) , criticized the government for refusing to take action against the Fayeds and said that damages would be sought against the brothers through the courts .
15 Director Manny Silverman said the backing consortium , which took over the house of Hartnell five years ago , could no longer support the company .
16 And whether or not the House of Lords eventually overturned Lord Lane 's judgement , there was no doubt that Lord Lane would disapprove .
17 ‘ What we are talking about in the future is the House of Wales , not the House of Windsor . ’
18 Is not the House of Commons , indeed the country as a whole , entitled to hear from the Home Secretary in person exactly whether those allegations have any foundation ?
19 ‘ He took his suit through the full panoply of law — Doctors ’ Commons , then a court of common law , and finally the House of Lords . ’
20 A house of sin you may call it , but not a house of darkness for the candles are never out , and it is like those countries far in the north where it is as clear at mid-night as at mid-day …
21 The most striking fact remains that Chedworth is not a house of the normally accepted type .
22 The forum in which the legislation is first introduced is usually the House of Commons , although bills can be introduced in either House of Parliament .
23 But still the house of Eli has not seen the last of it .
24 It has been suggested the case may yet go to the Appeal Court and possibly the House of Lords .
25 And the advice that we got was that if we wanted to establish proper ownership and control of that land again , we would have to seek a High Court action , possibly the House of Lords as well , and that total cost would be in the region of a quarter of a million pounds in legal costs , and we also then stood the , well risk of losing the case as well , so we could have spent two hundred and fifty thousand pounds for nothing .
26 Nevertheless , he secured peace , also reconciliation with Spain , although that was marred by the disclosure of the Guy Fawkes plan to blow up the House of Commons , in 1605 .
27 This device eventually prompted criticism from a number of quarters , most notably the House of Commons Select Committee on Energy .
28 These stages apply to both the House of Commons and House of Lords .
29 The House of Commons , particularly , but also the House of Lords , is often thought of as a club and the exchange of views and striking of bargains which goes on outside the chamber can be and frequently is of much greater significance than the public posturing which goes on within it .
30 It was the house where the poor woodcutter lived with Hansel and Gretel and where Red Riding Hood 's grandmother lived and it was also the house of The Seven Dwarfs and The Three Bears and all the rest of them .
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